BFRABulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs
BFRABrook Farm Residents Association (Suffolk, UK)
BFRABounded Flooding Routing Algorithm
BFRABrownfield Redevelopment Assessment (Michigan)
BFRABosque Farms Rodeo Association
BFRABurdekin Fish Restocking Association (Australia)
BFRABlack Facts Research Associate
BFRABoron Fiber Reinforced Aluminum
BFRABerkshire Fire and Rescue Authority (UK)
BFRABanking & Finance Reports of Australia
BFRABureau of Federal Rental Assistance
BFRABanana's Foster Republican Army
BFRABattleField Red Alert (gaming)
BFRABigfoot Field Researchers Association
BFRABridge Federatie Regio Amsterdam
BFRABangladesh Football Referees Association
BFRAButte Falls Resource Area