Acronym | Definition |
BFS | Bundesamt Für Statistik |
BFS | Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (German: federal office for radiation protection) |
BFS | Bowling for Soup (band) |
BFS | Bureau of the Fiscal Service (US Department of the Treasury) |
BFS | Brooklyn Friends School (New York, NY) |
BFS | Bankable Feasibility Study |
BFS | Broadcast File System |
BFS | Boot File System |
BFS | Buffer Size |
BFS | Business File System |
BFS | Bit File Server |
BFS | Beos File System |
BFS | Biometric Fingerprint System |
BFS | British Fantasy Society (UK) |
BFS | Bahay Financial Services (Philippines) |
BFS | British Fertility Society |
BFS | Bureau of Forensic Services (California) |
BFS | Blow Fill Seal (sterile pharmaceutical products and foods packaging process) |
BFS | Boston Foundation for Sight (Needham, MA) |
BFS | Banking and Finance Sector |
BFS | Banking and Financial Services |
BFS | Be File System (BeOS) |
BFS | Buckingham Friends School (Buckingham, PA) |
BFS | Best First Search (search tree used mainly in Artificial Intelligence problems) |
BFS | Breadth-First Search Algorithm |
BFS | Business and Financial Services |
BFS | Benign Fasciculation Syndrome |
BFS | Backup Flight System |
BFS | Belgian Flight School (Belgium) |
BFS | Business Forecast Systems, Inc. (Belmont, MA) |
BFS | Botswana Financial Statistics |
BFS | Beatles for Sale (Beatles album) |
BFS | Basic Fortran Support |
BFS | Bachelier Finance Society |
BFS | Business for Self |
BFS | British Fuchsia Society |
BFS | Basic File System |
BFS | Backup Flight Software |
BFS | Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom - Belfast International (Airport Code) |
BFS | Bahamian Field Station (research area) |
BFS | Battle for Slugterra (gaming) |
BFS | Building for Sport Programme (Scotland, UK) |
BFS | Broward Factory Service |
BFS | Bigger Faster Stronger, Inc. (athletic performance enhancement program) |
BFS | Beam-Foil Spectroscopy |
BFS | Bourse aux Financements Solidaires (French finance association) |
BFS | Bright Futures Scholarship |
BFS | Business Funding Solutions |
BFS | Budget Formulation System |
BFS | Binangonan Freshwater Station (Philippines) |
BFS | Bonduelle Food Service (France) |
BFS | Business and Financial Solutions |
BFS | Budget and Forecasting System |
BFS | Basic Frame Synchronization |
BFS | Bitfile Server for HPSS |
BFS | Binaural Feedback System |
BFS | Beef Friesian Society |
BFS | Budget Forecasting Section |
BFS | Battlefield Functional System |
BFS | Basic Filtering Services (IEEE) |
BFS | Burlington Factory Studios (Burlington, Vermont USA) |
BFS | Big File Server |
BFS | Budget and Financial Services |
BFS | Boundary Firewall Solution |