Acronym | Definition |
BFT | Belfast (Amtrak station code; Belfast, ME) |
BFT | Beaufort (International wind scale used in weather reporting) |
BFT | Broadcast File Transfer |
BFT | Batch File Transmission |
BFT | Blue Force Tracking |
BFT | Built Ford Tough |
BFT | Bigfoot |
BFT | Bacteroides Fragilis Toxin |
BFT | Blue Force Tracker |
BFT | Binary File Transfer |
BFT | Ben Franklin Transit |
BFT | Blue Fin Tuna |
BFT | Berkeley Federation of Teachers (trade union; Berkeley, CA) |
BFT | Bank for Foreign Trade (various locations) |
BFT | Blunt Force Trauma |
BFT | Byzantine Fault Tolerance |
BFT | Bidding for Travel (online forum) |
BFT | Bentonite Flocculation Test (rheumatoid arthritis) |
BFT | Built for Towing (Dodge Concept Truck) |
BFT | Battle Fitness Test |
BFT | Basic Fitness Test (British Armed Forces; UK) |
BFT | Northern Bluefin Tuna (FAO fish species code) |
BFT | Basic Flying Training |
BFT | Bachelor of Foreign Trade |
BFT | Battle Force Tank (computer game) |
BFT | Bois et Forêts des Tropiques (French science publication) |
BFT | BareFoot Teens |
BFT | Barefoot Truth (band) |
BFT | Bapela Family Trust (Lodge) |
BFT | Bowling for Tiffany (sketch comedy troupe) |
BFT | Bleachable Fancy Tallow |
BFT | Brevard Federation of Teachers |
BFT | Black Feminist Thought |
BFT | Business Fundamental Table |
BFT | Black Family Tree |
BFT | Boardfeet |
BFT | Big Thrill Factory (Minnetonka, MN) |
BFT | Big Fat Target |
BFT | Bout Freakin' Time (polite form) |
BFT | Battle Focused Trainer |
BFT | Big Fat Tummy |
BFT | Basic Fighter Transition |
BFT | Beamforming Technique |
BFT | Box Free Thinking (Austin, TX) |
BFT | Big Freaking Truck |
BFT | Bachelor of Food Technology |
BFT | Board Function Test (computer networking) |