BGABall Grid Array
BGABoys Generally Asian (parody group)
BGABitmap Graphics
BGABattle Ground Academy (Franklin, TN)
BGABlue-Green Algae
BGABundesverband des Deutschen Groß– Und Außenhandels (Federation of German Wholesale and Foreign Trade)
BGABritish Gliding Association
BGABlueGreen Alliance (various locations)
BGABehavior Genetics Association
BGABritish Go Association
BGABill Graham Archives (rock memorabilia)
BGABusiness General Aviation
BGABridge Group Address
BGABritish Gear Association (UK)
BGABrokerage General Agent (various companies)
BGABucaramanga, Colombia - Palo Negro (Airport Code)
BGABerges de Garonne Auto (French vehicle rental company)
BGABritish Grooms Association (UK)
BGABiologie et Gestion des Adventices (French: Weed Biology and Management)
BGABusiness Growth Alliance, LLC
BGABeta Gimbal Assembly
BGABeginner's Guide to Aeronautics (web-based textbook; US NASA)
BGABureau Genevois d'Adoption (French: Geneva Office of Adoption; Geneva, Switzerland)
BGAButterfly Gardeners Association
BGABone GLA Protein (Osteocalcin: markers of bone formation)
BGABénin Golden Award (French film award)
BGABinary Genetic Algorithm
BGABroiler Growers Association
BGABuffer Gate Array