CGDCenter for Global Development
CGDClimate and Global Dynamics (US National Center for Atmospheric Research)
CGDCaixa Geral de Depósitos (Portuguese bank)
CGDChronic Granulomatous Disease
CGDCoast Guard District
CGDCertified GeoExchange Designer (course)
CGDComputer Game Design (courses)
CGDCentre Généalogique du Dauphiné (French: Dauphine Genealogical Center; Grenoble, France)
CGDCertification Guidance Document
CGDCapital Gains Dividend
CGDCertified Gift Designer (gift basket industry)
CGDCertified Graphic Designer (Society of Graphic Designers of Canada)
CGDCanadian Geodetic Datum (Canada)
CGDCanonical Gradient Descent
CGDCompagnie Générale de Désinfection (French: General Disinfection Company; pest control company; Brussels, Belgium)
CGDCourse Graduation Date
CGDComptroller General Decision
CGDCombined Graphic Display