Acronym | Definition |
CVN | Convention Vie et Nature (French: Life and Nature Convention) |
CVN | Consorzio Venezia Nuova (Italian construction consortium) |
CVN | Card Verification Number |
CVN | Custom Virtual Network |
CVN | Cercle de la Voile de Neuchâtel (Swiss sailing club) |
CVN | Courtroom View Network (website) |
CVN | Card Verification Number (on the back of a credit card) |
CVN | Columbia Video Network (New York, NY) |
CVN | Charpy V-Notch (welding) |
CVN | Convene |
CVN | Carrier, Fixed Wing Aircraft, Nuclear (aircraft carrier type; US Navy) |
CVN | Collaborative Visibility Network |
CVN | Christian Values Network (online shopping service) |
CVN | Customer Value Network |
CVN | Clovis, NM, USA (Airport Code) |
CVN | Cryptogram Version Number (credit cards) |
CVN | Club Vitréen de Natation (French swimming club) |
CVN | Cruiser Voler Nuclear (US Navy) |
CVN | Calibration Verification Number |
CVN | Cinéma Vidéo Nantais (French film club) |
CVN | Certified Vascular Nurse |
CVN | (automobile site) |
CVN | Counter-Vandalism Network (Wikimedia) |
CVN | Central Venous Nutrition (intravenous feeding) |
CVN | Cardiac Vascular Nurse |
CVN | Club de Voile de Nantua (French sailing club) |
CVN | Canon Vietnam Co., Ltd. (Vietnam) |
CVN | Cass Valley North |