CVNConvention Vie et Nature (French: Life and Nature Convention)
CVNConsorzio Venezia Nuova (Italian construction consortium)
CVNCard Verification Number
CVNCustom Virtual Network
CVNCercle de la Voile de Neuchâtel (Swiss sailing club)
CVNCourtroom View Network (website)
CVNCard Verification Number (on the back of a credit card)
CVNColumbia Video Network (New York, NY)
CVNCharpy V-Notch (welding)
CVNCarrier, Fixed Wing Aircraft, Nuclear (aircraft carrier type; US Navy)
CVNCollaborative Visibility Network
CVNChristian Values Network (online shopping service)
CVNCustomer Value Network
CVNClovis, NM, USA (Airport Code)
CVNCryptogram Version Number (credit cards)
CVNClub Vitréen de Natation (French swimming club)
CVNCruiser Voler Nuclear (US Navy)
CVNCalibration Verification Number
CVNCinéma Vidéo Nantais (French film club)
CVNCertified Vascular Nurse (automobile site)
CVNCounter-Vandalism Network (Wikimedia)
CVNCentral Venous Nutrition (intravenous feeding)
CVNCardiac Vascular Nurse
CVNClub de Voile de Nantua (French sailing club)
CVNCanon Vietnam Co., Ltd. (Vietnam)
CVNCass Valley North