CISNCalifornia Integrated Seismic Network
CISNCollaborative Internet Security Network (CyberDefender Corp.)
CISNCommunity Integrated Service Network (health care provider system)
CISNCommunications, Information Systems and Networks
CISNComité Interministériel de la Sécurité Nucléaire (French: Interministerial Committee on Nuclear Safety)
CISNComputer Information Systems Networking (computing class)
CISNComputer Info Science-Network (computing class)
CISNCarrier Interactions and Spintronics in Nanostructures
CISNComputing and Information Services Newsletter
CISNCaribbean Information Sharing Network
CISNCable Integrated Services Network
CISNCal Independent Scholars Network (California)
CISNCommunications Information, Systems, & Network(s)
CISNCommunities in Schools of Newark, Inc. (New Jersey)