Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.
BSEBovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (mad cow disease)
BSEBombay Stock Exchange
BSEBoard of Secondary Education (India)
BSEBiological Systems Engineering (University of Wisconsin)
BSEBest Song Ever
BSEBreast Self-Examination
BSEBeirut Stock Exchange
BSEBlack Sun Empire (musical trio)
BSEBoston Stock Exchange
BSEBorder States Electric (Fargo, ND)
BSEBoston Edison Company (former stock symbol)
BSEBalance-Sheet Equation (accounting)
BSEBahrain Stock Exchange
BSEBritish Society of Echocardiography
BSEBusiness Systems Engineering (various organizations)
BSEBuilding Services Engineering
BSEBedside Swallow Evaluation
BSEBiological Sciences East (University of Arizona)
BSEBladecenter Storage Expansion
BSEBlade Server Expansion
BSEBachelor of Science in Education
BSEBachelor of Science in Engineering
BSEBack-Scattered Electron
BSEBanco de Seguros del Estado (Uruguay state-owned insurance company)
BSEBadger State Ethanol (Monroe, WI)
BSEBasic Stirling Engine
BSEBahrain Society of Engineers (Manama, Bahrain)
BSEBenerd School of Education (University of the Pacific; California)
BSEBad Simple English
BSEBreeding Soundness Evaluation
BSEBachelor of Science in Economics
BSEBasic Service Element
BSEBedevilled Sound Engine
BSEBachelor of Software Engineering
BSEBulk Silicate Earth
BSEBin So Einsam (German: I Am So Lonely)
BSEBlood Sweat and Ears (Wrestling)
BSEBraunschweig-Schöninger Eisenbahn (German: Brunswick Schoeningen Railway)
BSEBovine Spongiform Encephalomyelitis
BSEBoresight Error
BSEBooster Systems Engineer (NASA)
BSEBerlin-Stettiner Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft (German: Berlin-Stettin Railway Company)
BSEBeta Sigma Epsilon (fraternity)
BSEBâtiments du Sud Est (French construction company)
BSEBus Source Error
BSEBattle Space Entity
BSEBureautique Service Essonne (French office supply distributor)
BSEBase Support Equipment
BSEBase Support Element
BSEBruno Scherer Entreprise (French: Bruno Scherer Company)
BSEBroadcast Satellite Experimental
BSEBridge Software Engineer (also seen as BrSE)
BSEBasic Semiconductor Equation
BSEBretagne Sud Escalade (French climbing club)
BSEBeveled Small End
BSEBetween Shaft Ends (engineering)
BSEBitseal Seal Encoding (EnSeal)
BSEBritish Society of Endodontics
BSEBureau des Stages à l'Etranger (French: Office of Internships Abroad)
BSEBilateral Symmetrical Encephalomalacia
BSEBretagne Sanitaire Électricité (French utility company) (website)
BSEBilan Sanitaire d'Elevage (French: Health Survey of Livestock)
BSEBureau of Service Evaluation (FPSC)
BSEBuried Strip Electrode
BSEBelvedere String Ensemble (UK)
BSEBasic Storage Element (mainframes)
BSEBourgogne Service Électronique (French: Burgundy Electronics Service; Burgundy, France)
BSEBachelor Students in England (France)
BSEBroadband Switch Engineering (Sprint)
BSEBiologie Santé Écologie (French: Biology Health Ecology)
BSEBattlespace Systems Engineering (US Navy)
BSEBalasore School of Engineering
BSEBassin Solidarité Emploi (French cleaning and maintenance company)
BSEBreizh Sauvetages d'Equidés (French horse rescue association)
BSEBelegloser Scheck-Einzug (German: voucherless cheque collection)