Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.
Acronym | Definition |
BSE | Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (mad cow disease) |
BSE | Bombay Stock Exchange |
BSE | Board of Secondary Education (India) |
BSE | Biological Systems Engineering (University of Wisconsin) |
BSE | Best Song Ever |
BSE | Breast Self-Examination |
BSE | Beirut Stock Exchange |
BSE | Black Sun Empire (musical trio) |
BSE | Boston Stock Exchange |
BSE | Border States Electric (Fargo, ND) |
BSE | Boston Edison Company (former stock symbol) |
BSE | Balance-Sheet Equation (accounting) |
BSE | Bahrain Stock Exchange |
BSE | British Society of Echocardiography |
BSE | Business Systems Engineering (various organizations) |
BSE | Building Services Engineering |
BSE | Bedside Swallow Evaluation |
BSE | Biological Sciences East (University of Arizona) |
BSE | Bladecenter Storage Expansion |
BSE | Blade Server Expansion |
BSE | Bachelor of Science in Education |
BSE | Bachelor of Science in Engineering |
BSE | Back-Scattered Electron |
BSE | Banco de Seguros del Estado (Uruguay state-owned insurance company) |
BSE | Badger State Ethanol (Monroe, WI) |
BSE | Basic Stirling Engine |
BSE | Bahrain Society of Engineers (Manama, Bahrain) |
BSE | Benerd School of Education (University of the Pacific; California) |
BSE | Bad Simple English |
BSE | Breeding Soundness Evaluation |
BSE | Bachelor of Science in Economics |
BSE | Basic Service Element |
BSE | Bedevilled Sound Engine |
BSE | Bachelor of Software Engineering |
BSE | Bulk Silicate Earth |
BSE | Bin So Einsam (German: I Am So Lonely) |
BSE | Blood Sweat and Ears (Wrestling) |
BSE | Braunschweig-Schöninger Eisenbahn (German: Brunswick Schoeningen Railway) |
BSE | Bovine Spongiform Encephalomyelitis |
BSE | Boresight Error |
BSE | Booster Systems Engineer (NASA) |
BSE | Berlin-Stettiner Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft (German: Berlin-Stettin Railway Company) |
BSE | Beta Sigma Epsilon (fraternity) |
BSE | Bâtiments du Sud Est (French construction company) |
BSE | Bus Source Error |
BSE | Battle Space Entity |
BSE | Bureautique Service Essonne (French office supply distributor) |
BSE | Base Support Equipment |
BSE | Base Support Element |
BSE | Bruno Scherer Entreprise (French: Bruno Scherer Company) |
BSE | Broadcast Satellite Experimental |
BSE | Bridge Software Engineer (also seen as BrSE) |
BSE | Basic Semiconductor Equation |
BSE | Bretagne Sud Escalade (French climbing club) |
BSE | Beveled Small End |
BSE | Between Shaft Ends (engineering) |
BSE | Bitseal Seal Encoding (EnSeal) |
BSE | British Society of Endodontics |
BSE | Bureau des Stages à l'Etranger (French: Office of Internships Abroad) |
BSE | Bilateral Symmetrical Encephalomalacia |
BSE | Bretagne Sanitaire Électricité (French utility company) |
BSE | (website) |
BSE | Bilan Sanitaire d'Elevage (French: Health Survey of Livestock) |
BSE | Bureau of Service Evaluation (FPSC) |
BSE | Buried Strip Electrode |
BSE | Belvedere String Ensemble (UK) |
BSE | Basic Storage Element (mainframes) |
BSE | Bourgogne Service Électronique (French: Burgundy Electronics Service; Burgundy, France) |
BSE | Bachelor Students in England (France) |
BSE | Broadband Switch Engineering (Sprint) |
BSE | Biologie Santé Écologie (French: Biology Health Ecology) |
BSE | Battlespace Systems Engineering (US Navy) |
BSE | Balasore School of Engineering |
BSE | Bassin Solidarité Emploi (French cleaning and maintenance company) |
BSE | Breizh Sauvetages d'Equidés (French horse rescue association) |
BSE | Belegloser Scheck-Einzug (German: voucherless cheque collection) |