BSHBusiness Support Helpline (UK)
BSHBritish Shorthair (cat breed)
BSHBachelor of Science in Health (various locations)
BSHBosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH (Germany)
BSHBridgewater State Hospital (Massachusetts)
BSHBluetooth Stereo Headset
BSHBon Secours Hospital (French: Good Help Hospital; various locations)
BSHBundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (German: Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany)
BSHBourne Shell
BSHBausparkasse Schwaebisch Hall (German Building Society)
BSHBritish Seed Houses (UK)
BSHBritish Society for Haematology (UK)
BSHBack Street Heroes (motorcycle magazine)
BSHBulletin de Situation Hydrologique (French: Hydrological Status Newsletter)
BSHBritish Standard Handful
BSHBlack Sad Horse (UK)
BSHBenzenesulfonyl Hydrazide (chemistry)
BSHGreat Blue Shark (FAO fish species code)
BSHBrighton Great Britain (airport code)
BSHBenais-Saint-Hilaire (French car)
BSHBachelor of Science, Honors program
BSHBishops' Storehouse
BSHBlue Season Hotels (France)
BSHBessat Sports d'Hiver (French winter sports association)