Acronym | Definition |
BSH | Business Support Helpline (UK) |
BSH | British Shorthair (cat breed) |
BSH | Bachelor of Science in Health (various locations) |
BSH | Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH (Germany) |
BSH | Bridgewater State Hospital (Massachusetts) |
BSH | Bluetooth Stereo Headset |
BSH | Bon Secours Hospital (French: Good Help Hospital; various locations) |
BSH | Bookshelf |
BSH | Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (German: Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany) |
BSH | Bourne Shell |
BSH | Bausparkasse Schwaebisch Hall (German Building Society) |
BSH | British Seed Houses (UK) |
BSH | British Society for Haematology (UK) |
BSH | Back Street Heroes (motorcycle magazine) |
BSH | Bulletin de Situation Hydrologique (French: Hydrological Status Newsletter) |
BSH | British Standard Handful |
BSH | Black Sad Horse (UK) |
BSH | Benzenesulfonyl Hydrazide (chemistry) |
BSH | Great Blue Shark (FAO fish species code) |
BSH | Brighton Great Britain (airport code) |
BSH | Benais-Saint-Hilaire (French car) |
BSH | Bachelor of Science, Honors program |
BSH | Bishops' Storehouse |
BSH | Blue Season Hotels (France) |
BSH | Bessat Sports d'Hiver (French winter sports association) |