Acronym | Definition |
BSI | British Standards Institution |
BSI | British Standards Institute (less common) |
BSI | Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (German: Federal Office for Security) |
BSI | Blue Square-Israel Ltd |
BSI | Backside Illumination (optical detector technology) |
BSI | Brain Science Institute (Japan) |
BSI | Build Security In (Strategic Initiatives Branch of DHS National Cyber Security Division) |
BSI | Blue Star Infotech (Santa Clara, CA) |
BSI | Bloodstream Infection |
BSI | Brief Symptom Inventory |
BSI | Basic Skills Initiative (various schools) |
BSI | Blind Spot Information System (vehicle safety) |
BSI | Bit Stream Information |
BSI | Boot Sector Infector |
BSI | British Standards Institute |
BSI | Business Service Interface |
BSI | Big Sky Institute (Montana State University) |
BSI | Branding Strategy Insider (blog) |
BSI | Banca della Svizzera Italiana |
BSI | Balanced Scorecard Institute (Cary, NC) |
BSI | Body Substance Isolation (transmittable disease protection) |
BSI | British Society for Immunology |
BSI | Boreal Songbird Initiative |
BSI | Battery Status Indicator (electronics) |
BSI | Baker Street Irregulars |
BSI | Body Shop International (Brighton, UK) |
BSI | Botanical Survey of India |
BSI | Biospherical Instruments Inc. (est. 1977) |
BSI | Bromeliad Society International |
BSI | Business Survey Index (South Korea) |
BSI | Balance Sheet Item (finance) |
BSI | Bob Smith Industries |
BSI | British Solomon Islands (UK) |
BSI | Boitier de Servitude Intelligent (French: Intelligent Servitude Package) |
BSI | Building Stone Institute (New York, New York) |
BSI | Bureau of Special Investigations |
BSI | Biological Sciences Institute (various locations) |
BSI | Bloody Sunday Inquiry (UK) |
BSI | Broadband Solutions, Inc. (Seoul, South Korea) |
BSI | Bandar Seri Iskandar (Malaysia) |
BSI | Behavioral Science Institute |
BSI | Benefit Services, Inc. |
BSI | Black Sheep Inn (various locations) |
BSI | Broadcast Software International |
BSI | BioSciences Institute (Ireland, UK) |
BSI | Beschäftigung Schaffende Infrastrukturförderung (German: Employment Generating Infrastructure Funding) |
BSI | Brand Science Institute |
BSI | Brilliance Semiconductor, Inc. |
BSI | Business Software, Inc. |
BSI | Bina Sarana Informatika |
BSI | Broderbund Software, Inc. (Novato, CA) |
BSI | Business Strategies International |
BSI | Business Sentiment Index (Indonesia) |
BSI | Bronzeville Scholastic Institute (Chicago, IL) |
BSI | Becancour Silicon, Inc. (Canada) |
BSI | Biological Sciences Initiative |
BSI | Brain SPECT Imaging (nuclear medicine study) |
BSI | Bibliothèque des Sciences et de l'Industrie (French: Library of Science and Industry) |
BSI | Base Support Installation |
BSI | Bioinformatics Summer Institute (University of Minnesota) |
BSI | Bioinformatics Solutions, Inc. (Waterloo, Canada) |
BSI | Badger State Industries (Madison, WI) |
BSI | Built-In Systems Interface (automotive) |
BSI | Brewer Science, Inc. |
BSI | Building Service, Inc. (Milwaukee, WI) |
BSI | Bankruptcy Services, LLC |
BSI | Baltic Sea Initiative |
BSI | Baltic Scientific Instruments (Riga, Latvia) |
BSI | Basic Services Interface |
BSI | Bureau of School Improvement (Florida) |
BSI | Booking Services International (Europe) |
BSI | Bridge Software Institute (University of Florida) |
BSI | Blood System Infection |
BSI | Borescope Inspection (gas turbine) |
BSI | Billing Solutions, Inc. |
BSI | Boeing Services International |
BSI | Biophotonic Solutions, Inc. |
BSI | Berkshire Securities, Inc. (Canada) |
BSI | Bergensstudentenes Idrettslag (Norwegian: Students in Bergen's Sportsclub) |
BSI | Building Science Insight |
BSI | British Suzuki Institute (UK) |
BSI | Bodyguard Services International Ltd (UK) |
BSI | Business Solution Integration (Hitachi) |
BSI | Biotechnical Services, Inc. |
BSI | Business Strategy, Inc. |
BSI | Braggstar S-Industrial (Coherent, Inc laser) |
BSI | Broadcast Services, Inc. |
BSI | Biological Specimen Inventory System (Information Management Services, Inc.) |
BSI | Bankruptcy Services, Inc. |
BSI | Bilan Social Individualisé (French: Individual Social Assessment) |
BSI | Base Station Interface |
BSI | Bollinger Shipyards, Inc (Lockport, Louisiana) |
BSI | Button Systems, Inc. (Castleton, VT) |
BSI | Business Systems International Ltd (UK) |
BSI | Biodiversity Surveys and Inventories (Smithsonian Institution program) |
BSI | Blue Sky Institute (West Jordan, UT) |
BSI | Bible Society in Israel (Jerusalem, Israel) |
BSI | Basic Shipping Instructions |
BSI | Building Standards Institute |
BSI | Brain Symmetry Index |
BSI | Biothane Systems International BV (Netherlands) |
BSI | Bi-Search International, Inc. |
BSI | Bacterial Strain-Identification |
BSI | Battlefield Systems Institute |
BSI | Business Strategies and Insight |
BSI | Besançon Sécurité Incendie (French: Besançon Fire Safety; Besançon, France) |
BSI | Begin Segment Introducer |
BSI | Business Support Incubator |
BSI | Business System Implementation (various organizations) |
BSI | Basic Safety Insulation |
BSI | Battlefield Systems Integration |
BSI | Business Standards Institution (UK) |
BSI | Barthélémy Sécurité Incendie (French fire safety services company) |
BSI | Basic Store Inventory |
BSI | Blue Star Interactive LLC |
BSI | Business Synergetics International LLC |
BSI | Branch and Store Instruction Address Register (CPU instruction) |
BSI | Building Systems Institute |
BSI | Ball Semiconductor Incorporated |
BSI | BUES/SvSig Interface |
BSI | Balance System, Inc. (Seattle, WA) |
BSI | Business Service Identity |
BSI | Bureau des Services Infirmiers (French: Office of Nursing Services; various locations) |
BSI | Blanchier Solutions d'Impression (French printing company) |