Acronym | Definition |
BLA | Biologic License Application (US FDA) |
BLA | Bachelor of Landscape Architecture |
BLA | Blocking Acknowledgement |
BLA | Basic Linear Algebra |
BLA | Basolateral Amygdala |
BLA | Black Liberation Army |
BLA | Balochistan Liberation Army |
BLA | Board of Landscape Architects (various locations) |
BLA | Bridged Line Appearance (telephony) |
BLA | Boundary Line Adjustment (city planning) |
BLA | Boston Latin Academy |
BLA | Bachelor of Liberal Arts |
BLA | Boating Law Administrator |
BLA | Basic Living Allowance (various organizations) |
BLA | Blocking Acknowledgement (ITU-T) |
BLA | Better Left Alone |
BLA | Barcelona, Venezuela - Gral Jose Antonio Anzoategui (Airport Code) |
BLA | Blocks Lactic Acid |
BLA | Bath Leadership Academy (UK) |
BLA | Black Lung Association |
BLA | British Liberation Army (World War II unit) |
BLA | Black Lawyer Association |
BLA | Biologics License Agreement (US FDA) |
BLA | Buffalo Lacrosse Academy (New York) |
BLA | Baseline Agreement |
BLA | Battle for Lion's Arch (gaming) |
BLA | Best Linear Approximation |
BLA | Base Level Assessment |
BLA | Bureau of Legislative Affairs |
BLA | Bruno Legrand Architecture (France) |
BLA | Bank Loan Agreement |
BLA | Body Loading Assembly (weapons) |
BLA | Bidirectional Line Amplifier |
BLA | Blood Loss Anemia |
BLA | Bracket & Linkage Assembly |
BLA | Bill Low and Associates (Abbotsford, BC, Canada) |
BLA | Basilian Lay Associate (Toronto, ON, Canada) |
BLA | Basic Loan Agreement |