Acronym | Definition |
CIT | Citation |
CIT | Counselor in Training |
CIT | Crisis Intervention Team |
CIT | Cork Institute of Technology |
CIT | Citizen |
CIT | Cited |
CIT | Court of International Trade |
CIT | Canberra Institute of Technology (Australia) |
CIT | Corporate Income Tax |
CIT | Conference on Information Technology |
CIT | Computing and Information Technology |
CIT | Computer Information Technology |
CIT | Center for Information Technology (US National Institutes of Health) |
CIT | Center for Instructional Technology |
CIT | Cash In Transit (vehicle, i.e., armored car) |
CIT | College of Industrial Technology (Philippines) |
CIT | California Institute of Technology |
CIT | Crisis Intervention Training |
CIT | Cebu Institute of Technology |
CIT | Compagnia Italiana Turismo (Italian travel agency) |
CIT | College of Information Technology |
CIT | Conference and Incentive Travel (magazine) |
CIT | Construction Industry Training (various organizations) |
CIT | Council on Information Technology |
CIT | Circuit Information Table |
CIT | Cisco Certified Internetwork Troubleshooting |
CIT | Computer Integrated Telephony |
CIT | Computing and Informatics Technology (Uganda) |
CIT | Certified IPC (Association Connecting Electronics Industries) Trainer |
CIT | Commissioner of Income Tax (India) |
CIT | Cisco Internetwork Troubleshooting |
CIT | Journal of Computing and Information Technology |
CIT | Center for Innovative Technology (Virginia, USA) |
CIT | Communications and Information Technology (College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Connecticut) |
CIT | Counter-Illicit Trafficking |
CIT | Center for Integrative Toxicology (Michigan State University) |
CIT | Certified in Information Technology |
CIT | Cornell Information Technologies (Cornell University; Ithaca, NY) |
CIT | Critical Incident Technique |
CIT | Certified Instructor Training (various organizations) |
CIT | Carnegie Institute of Technology |
CIT | Virginia's Center for Innovative Technology (Herndon, VA) |
CIT | Conference of Interpreter Trainers |
CIT | Coimbatore Institute of Technology (Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India) |
CIT | Countries in Transition |
CIT | Constraint-Induced Therapy |
CIT | Corporate Information Technology |
CIT | Computer Integrated Telephony (DEC) |
CIT | Centre International de Toxicologie (French: International Center for Toxicology) |
CIT | Chartered Institute of Transport |
CIT | Construction Industry Technician |
CIT | Central Institute of Technology |
CIT | Change in Trend (trading) |
CIT | Combined Interrogator Transponder |
CIT | Continuous Improvement Team |
CIT | Case Institute of Technology (CWRU, Cleveland, OH) |
CIT | Construction Industry Tax (UK) |
CIT | Colorado Institute of Technology |
CIT | Cranfield Institute of Technology (M&S support partner with DTRA) |
CIT | Core Implementation Team (various organizations) |
CIT | Career Institute of Technology (Easton, Pennsylvania) |
CIT | Critical Incident Team |
CIT | Cold Ischemic Time (organ transplantation) |
CIT | Commercial Investment Trust (Livingston, NJ, USA) |
CIT | Continuous Integrated Testing |
CIT | Construction Information Technology |
CIT | Community Integration Team (various locations) |
CIT | Customer Interface Test |
CIT | Certified Industrial Technologist |
CIT | Conventional Insulin Therapy |
CIT | Centre for Indigenous Theatre (Toronto, ON, Canada) |
CIT | Compressor Inlet Temperature |
CIT | Capital Investment Team |
CIT | Craft Interface Terminal |
CIT | Craft Interface Terminal (AT&T) |
CIT | China Interventional Therapeutics |
CIT | Circumstellar Imaging Telescope |
CIT | Call In Time |
CIT | Consumable Item Transfer |
CIT | Cauchy Integral Theorem (math, engineering) |
CIT | Centre d'Ingénierie Thermique (French: Thermal Engineering Center) |
CIT | Counterintelligence Team (USMC) |
CIT | Compagnie Industrielle Des Telecommunications |
CIT | Coherent Integration Time |
CIT | Cougar In Training |
CIT | Cluster Integration Toolkit (Linux cluster management software) |
CIT | Confederacion Indigena Tairona (Spanish: Tairona Indigenous Confederation; Colombia) |
CIT | College of Integrated Therapies |
CIT | Chassieu Immobilier Transactions (French: Chassieu Estate Transactions; Chassieu, France) |
CIT | Chef In Training |
CIT | Critical Incidents Test (UK) |
CIT | Criminal Investigator Training |
CIT | Chronic Immune Thrombocytopenia |
CIT | Component Integration Test(ing) |
CIT | Chair Indicate Token |
CIT | Communications Improvement Team |
CIT | Critical Item Tag |
CIT | Contract Invoice Transmittal (Sprint) |
CIT | Coalition Interoperability Trial |
CIT | Critical Item Test |
CIT | Commission on Informational Technology (Missouri) |
CIT | Communication Interculturelle et Traduction (French: Intercultural Communication and Translation) |
CIT | Cable Interface Translator |
CIT | Care Integration Team |
CIT | Component Instance Tree (Nortel) |
CIT | Central Investigation Team |
CIT | China International Therapeutics (Beijing, China) |
CIT | Counter Intelligence/Terrorism |
CIT | Comet Impact Theory (evolution) |
CIT | Canterbury Institute of Technology (Australia) |
CIT | Cylinder Ignition Timing |
CIT | Consultant in Information Technology |
CIT | Configuration Identification Tables |
CIT | Chamber of Information Technology and Communications (Egypt) |
CIT | Cab Interior Temperature |
CIT | Class, Item, Type |
CIT | Craft Interface Testing |
CIT | Cellule d'Ingénierie et de Transfert (French: Cell Engineering and Transfer) |
CIT | Chemical Injection Tree (subsea oil and gas valve) |
CIT | Cement Injection Tool |
CIT | Chemical Injection Tubing (petroleum drilling) |
CIT | Commercial Imagery Team (US Army) |