Acronym | Definition |
CESR | Committee of European Securities Regulators |
CESR | Conseil Économique et Social Régional (French: Regional Economic and Social Council) |
CESR | Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (UK) |
CESR | Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements |
CESR | Center for Economic and Social Rights |
CESR | Cornell Electron Storage Ring |
CESR | Centre d'Études Supérieures de la Renaissance (French: Graduate Center of the Renaissance) |
CESR | Carrier Ethernet Switch Router |
CESR | Corporate Environmental and Social Responsibility |
CESR | Center for Economic Self-Reliance (Brigham Young University; Utah) |
CESR | Center for the Economic Study of Religion |
CESR | Center for Earth Systems Research |
CESR | Consolidated Exercise Support Request |
CESR | Communications Electronics Schedule Review |
CESR | Customer Enhanced Service Ring (Sprint) |
CESR | Computer Equipment or Service Request |
CESR | Center for Environmental Studies and Research (Germany) |