CESRCommittee of European Securities Regulators
CESRConseil Économique et Social Régional (French: Regional Economic and Social Council)
CESRCertificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (UK)
CESRCentre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements
CESRCenter for Economic and Social Rights
CESRCornell Electron Storage Ring
CESRCentre d'Études Supérieures de la Renaissance (French: Graduate Center of the Renaissance)
CESRCarrier Ethernet Switch Router
CESRCorporate Environmental and Social Responsibility
CESRCenter for Economic Self-Reliance (Brigham Young University; Utah)
CESRCenter for the Economic Study of Religion
CESRCenter for Earth Systems Research
CESRConsolidated Exercise Support Request
CESRCommunications Electronics Schedule Review
CESRCustomer Enhanced Service Ring (Sprint)
CESRComputer Equipment or Service Request
CESRCenter for Environmental Studies and Research (Germany)