Acronym | Definition |
BCV | Banco Central de Venezuela |
BCV | Banque Cantonale Vaudoise |
BCV | Bovine Coronavirus |
BCV | Business Continuance Volumes |
BCV | Boot Connection Vector |
BCV | Beach Club Villas (Disney resort) |
BCV | Banco de Cabo Verde (Portuguese: Bank of Cape Verde) |
BCV | Business Continuance Volumes (EMC Technology) |
BCV | Brake Control Valve (landing gear) |
BCV | Byte Code Verifier (computing) |
BCV | Blue Cloud Ventures (New York) |
BCV | Battle Command Vehicle |
BCV | Business Continuous Volume (EMC frame storage) |
BCV | Building Commission Victoria (Australia) |
BCV | Best Case Value |
BCV | B-Complex Vitamin (health product) |
BCV | Book Chapter Verse (biblical) |
BCV | Bird Clubs of Virginia |
BCV | Badminton Club Vannetais (French badminton club) |
BCV | Badminton Club Voreppe (French badminton club) |
BCV | Ball Carrier Vision (football) |
BCV | Basket Club Vauréen (French basketball club) |
BCV | Basket Club Vendenheim (French basketball club) |
BCV | Burgundy Crescent Volunteers, Inc. |
BCV | Bristol Commercial Vehicles Ltd. (UK) |
BCV | Béton Conventionnel Vibré (French; type of concrete0 |
BCV | Basket Club Verdunois (French basketball club) |
BCV | Bowling Club Vincennois (French bowling club) |
BCV | Billard Club Vicinois (French billiard club) |
BCV | Badminton Club Verquin (Verquin, France) |