BCVBanco Central de Venezuela
BCVBanque Cantonale Vaudoise
BCVBovine Coronavirus
BCVBusiness Continuance Volumes
BCVBoot Connection Vector
BCVBeach Club Villas (Disney resort)
BCVBanco de Cabo Verde (Portuguese: Bank of Cape Verde)
BCVBusiness Continuance Volumes (EMC Technology)
BCVBrake Control Valve (landing gear)
BCVByte Code Verifier (computing)
BCVBlue Cloud Ventures (New York)
BCVBattle Command Vehicle
BCVBusiness Continuous Volume (EMC frame storage)
BCVBuilding Commission Victoria (Australia)
BCVBest Case Value
BCVB-Complex Vitamin (health product)
BCVBook Chapter Verse (biblical)
BCVBird Clubs of Virginia
BCVBadminton Club Vannetais (French badminton club)
BCVBadminton Club Voreppe (French badminton club)
BCVBall Carrier Vision (football)
BCVBasket Club Vauréen (French basketball club)
BCVBasket Club Vendenheim (French basketball club)
BCVBurgundy Crescent Volunteers, Inc.
BCVBristol Commercial Vehicles Ltd. (UK)
BCVBéton Conventionnel Vibré (French; type of concrete0
BCVBasket Club Verdunois (French basketball club)
BCVBowling Club Vincennois (French bowling club)
BCVBillard Club Vicinois (French billiard club)
BCVBadminton Club Verquin (Verquin, France)