Acronym | Definition |
CBI | China-Burma-India (Theater; WWII) |
CBI | Central Bureau of Investigation (India) |
CBI | Confederation of British Industry |
CBI | Confidential Business Information |
CBI | Central Bank of Iraq |
CBI | Computer Based Instruction |
CBI | Colorado Bureau of Investigation |
CBI | Center for Bioinformatics (various locations) |
CBI | Chatham Bars Inn (Chatham, MA) |
CBI | China Book International |
CBI | Caribbean Basin Initiative |
CBI | Circuit Board Indicator |
CBI | Conservation Biology Institute (Corvallis, OR) |
CBI | Certified Business Intermediary |
CBI | Congregation Beth Israel (Judaism; various locations) |
CBI | Chiquita Brands International, Inc. (Cincinatti, OH) |
CBI | Country Brand Index (marketing study) |
CBI | Convention on Biodiversity |
CBI | Center for Business Intelligence (Woburn, MA) |
CBI | Central Bank of India |
CBI | Center for Business Innovation (various locations) |
CBI | Chandler Burning Index (fire danger) |
CBI | Career Based Intervention (various organizations) |
CBI | Content-Based Instruction |
CBI | Community Based Instruction |
CBI | Cosmic Background Imager |
CBI | Charles Babbage Institute (University of Minnesota) |
CBI | Commerce Bancorp, Inc. (Cherry Hill, NJ) |
CBI | Chemistry/Biology Interface (various organizations) |
CBI | Council for Biotechnology Information (Washington, DC) |
CBI | Commission Baleinière Internationale (French: International Whaling Commission; est. 1946) |
CBI | Central Bank of Iran |
CBI | Chicago Bridge and Iron |
CBI | Chem-Bio Informatics Society (various locations) |
CBI | Central Bancshares, Inc. (holding company; Muscatine, IA) |
CBI | Cross-Border Initiative |
CBI | Center for Business and Industry |
CBI | Corporate Business Intelligence |
CBI | Collegiate Broadcasters, Inc. |
CBI | Central Bureau of Intelligence |
CBI | Collaborative Business Initiative (various companies) |
CBI | Creative Business Idea |
CBI | Critical Business Issue |
CBI | Cell Biology Immunology |
CBI | Continuous Bladder Irrigation |
CBI | Central Bank of Ireland |
CBI | Contingent Business Interruption (insurance) |
CBI | Country Business Inc. (est. 1976; business broker) |
CBI | Community Building Initiatives (various organizations) |
CBI | Center for Biological Informatics |
CBI | Coordinated Border Infrastructure |
CBI | Cabinet Bedin Immobilier (French: Cabinet Bedin Real Estate; Bordeaux, France) |
CBI | Canadian Back Institute |
CBI | Cement och Betong Institutet (Cement and Concrete Research Institute, Sweden) |
CBI | Cumulative Book Index |
CBI | Criminal Bureau of Investigation (India) |
CBI | Composite Burn Index |
CBI | Crédit-Bail Immobilier (French: Leasing Property) |
CBI | Cross-Boundary Innovation Program (Osaka University, Japan) |
CBI | Computer Based Interlocking (railway signaling interlocking system using microprocessors) |
CBI | Cheney Brothers, Inc (Riviera Beach, Florida) |
CBI | Chesapeake Bay Institute (Johns Hopkins University) |
CBI | Cyber Musical Instruments |
CBI | Central Bible Institute |
CBI | Côte Basque Immobilière (French: Basque Coast Realty; Bayonne, France) |
CBI | Credit Bureau Information |
CBI | College Bowl, Incorporated |
CBI | Compliance Biomonitoring Inspection |
CBI | Compensation and Benefits Instructions (Canada) |
CBI | Certified Bridge Inspector (Florida, USA) |
CBI | Confusion Beyond Imagination |
CBI | Contingency Base Infrastructure (US Army) |
CBI | Commercial-Business-Industrial |
CBI | Caregiver's Burden Inventory |
CBI | Confidence Building Initiative (Macedonia) |
CBI | Complete Background Investigation |
CBI | Change in Business Inventories |
CBI | Character-Based Interface |
CBI | Coffee Brewing Institute |
CBI | Constructions Bois Industrielles (French: Industrial Wood Construction; Pia, France) |
CBI | Coordination Bruxelloise d'Institutions Sociales et de Santé (French: Brussels Coordination of Social and Health Institutions; Brussels, Belgium) |
CBI | Centre de Bilan Indépendant (French: Center for Independent Review; various locations) |
CBI | Chiquita Brands, Inc. |
CBI | Cleared Before Isolation |
CBI | Community Boating Incorporated |
CBI | Cross-Bar Interface |
CBI | Critical Behavior Interviewing (technique) |
CBI | Closed Brain Injury |
CBI | Chemical/Biological Information |
CBI | Critical Behaviour Inventory (ocupational safety) |
CBI | CMM Based Insight |
CBI | Compound Batch Identification |
CBI | Circuit Bundling Initiative |
CBI | Coordinatie Van Brusselse Instellingen |
CBI | Capital Budget Item |
CBI | Canadian-Born Indian |
CBI | Consommables Bureautiques Informatiques (French: Computer Supplies Office Equipment; Bordeaux, France) |
CBI | Charitable and Benevolent Institution |
CBI | Cercle Bouliste d'Illzach (French sports club) |
CBI | Clean Burning Initiator |
CBI | Cours Biblique International (French: International Bible Courses) |
CBI | Customer Business Issue |