BGEBaltimore Gas and Electric
BGEBig Green Egg (grill)
BGEBackground Electrolyte (electrophoresis)
BGEBranch if Greater than or Equal to Zero
BGEBeyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche)
BGEBundesgerichtsentscheid (Swiss Federal Court)
BGEButyl Glycidyl Ether
BGEBusch Gardens Europe
BGEBoutique de Gestion Espace (French business establishment organization)
BGEBlue Grass Energy (cooperative; Kentucky)
BGEBranch If Greater or Equal
BGEBibliothèque de Genève (French: Geneva Library; Geneva, Switzerland)
BGEBacterial Growth Efficiency
BGEBoursiers du Gouvernement Français (French: French Government Grant)
BGEBest Grandma Ever
BGEBattle Ground Effect (gaming)
BGEBrain Grenade Entertainment LLC (Seattle, WA)
BGEBiotechnology and Genetic Engineering
BGEBlindzone/Glare Elimination (automobile mirror setting)
BGEBest Girlfriend Ever
BGEBoard Games Express
BGEBallester-Guasp Evaluation (aerial phenonmenon sighting evaluation)