CIFAChina International Freight Forwarders Association (Beijing, China)
CIFACounterintelligence Field Activity (US DoD)
CIFACenter for Interfaith Action on Global Poverty (Washington, DC)
CIFACentral Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (India)
CIFACommittee for Inland Fisheries of Africa (FAO regional organization)
CIFAUnité de Chimie des Interfaces
CIFACenter for Information Forensics and Assurance (New York State)
CIFACalifornia Inventory for Family Assessment
CIFACentro Internazionale Famiglie pro Adozione (Italian: International Center for Adoptive Families)
CIFACells In Frames Alliance
CIFACentre Interprofessionnel de Formations d'Apprentis (French: Interprofessionnel Apprentice Training Center)