Acronym | Definition |
CCI | Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie (France) |
CCI | Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Western Australia) |
CCI | Common Client Interface (Sun J2EE/JMS) |
CCI | Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Western Australia) |
CCI | Canine Companions for Independence |
CCI | CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) Citation Index |
CCI | Commodity Channel Index |
CCI | Correct Coding Initiative |
CCI | Competition Commission of India |
CCI | California Correctional Institution (Tehachapi, CA) |
CCI | Comic-Con International |
CCI | Catholic Charities, Inc. (various locations) |
CCI | Canadian Conservation Institute |
CCI | College of Communication and Information |
CCI | Chambers of Commerce and Industry |
CCI | Computer Consultants International |
CCI | Clinton Climate Initiative (William J. Clinton Foundation) |
CCI | Control Correlation Identifier (cybersecurity) |
CCI | Consumer Confidence Index |
CCI | Crown Castle International Corp. |
CCI | Corinthian Colleges, Inc. |
CCI | Consultation and Community Involvement (UK) |
CCI | Certified CARE (Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education) Instructor |
CCI | Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation (Australia) |
CCI | Center for Cultural Interchange |
CCI | Coleman Cable, Inc. (Waukegan, IL) |
CCI | Centre du Commerce International |
CCI | Copy Control Information |
CCI | College of Computing and Informatics (University of North Carolina, Charlotte) |
CCI | Canadian Classification of Health Interventions |
CCI | Central Cottage Industries (India) |
CCI | Corporación Colombia Internacional (Spanish: Columbia Corporation International) |
CCI | Chambre de Commerce Internationale (French: International Chamber of Commerce) |
CCI | Christian Camping International |
CCI | Compétence Complémentaire en Informatique (French: Complementary Skills in Information Technology) |
CCI | Cardiovascular Credentialing International |
CCI | Container Corporation of India |
CCI | Canadian Crossroads International |
CCI | Construction Cost Index |
CCI | Cámara de Comercio Internacional (Spanish) |
CCI | Control Components Inc. (Rancho Santa Margarita, California) |
CCI | Concorde Career Institute (Kansas City, MO) |
CCI | Citizens for Community Improvement (Iowa) |
CCI | Concours Complet International (equestrian competition) |
CCI | Comprehensive Community Initiatives |
CCI | Cranio-Cervical Instability |
CCI | Continuous Commodity Index |
CCI | Computer Consoles Integrated |
CCI | Credit Card Institute |
CCI | Caused Cross Interrogate |
CCI | Communications Control Interface |
CCI | Control Changing Instruction |
CCI | Computer to Computer Interface |
CCI | Consolidated Client Infrastructure |
CCI | Camera Control Interface |
CCI | Collective Cache Invalidation |
CCI | Compliance Configuration Item |
CCI | Common Client Interface |
CCI | Cinema City International (various locations) |
CCI | Co-Channel Interference |
CCI | Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions (Wiley-Blackwell publication) |
CCI | Controlled Cryptographic Item |
CCI | Command, Control, and Interoperability |
CCI | Chlorophyll Content Index (biology) |
CCI | Cotton Council International |
CCI | Container Closure Integrity |
CCI | Corporate Community Involvement |
CCI | Camping Card International |
CCI | Celtic Coin Index |
CCI | Chronic Constriction Injury |
CCI | Consolidated Client Infrastructure (HP) |
CCI | Chronic Critical Illness |
CCI | Computer Career Institute (various schools) |
CCI | Corps Commun d'Inspection (Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations System) |
CCI | Center for Collective Intelligence (MIT) |
CCI | Corriente Comunista Internacional (Spanish: International Communist Current) |
CCI | Coca-Cola Içecek (Turkey) |
CCI | Carrefour Canadien International (Quebec, Canada) |
CCI | Center for Cultural Innovation |
CCI | Cricket Club of India |
CCI | Community College Institute |
CCI | City Centre Initiative (Derry-Londonderry, Northern Ireland, UK; est. 2000) |
CCI | Canadian Condominium Institute (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) |
CCI | Cross-Cutting Issue (various organizations) |
CCI | Colorado Counties, Inc. |
CCI | Citrix Certified Instructor |
CCI | Committee for Citizen Involvement |
CCI | Cross Cancer Institute |
CCI | Customer Care Institute |
CCI | Conseil Canadien des Ingénieurs (French: Canadian Council of Professional Engineers) |
CCI | Canada Customs Invoice (exporting) |
CCI | Catholic Church Insurances (Australia) |
CCI | Canadian Circumpolar Institute |
CCI | Cyclo-Camping International (France) |
CCI | Convergent Communications Inc. |
CCI | Chambers of Commerce of Ireland |
CCI | Central Campesina Independiente (Spanish: Independent Peasants and Farmers Central; political party; Mexico) |
CCI | Creative Commons International (various locations) |
CCI | Coalition for Community Integration (disabilities) |
CCI | Countrywide Credit Industries (California) |
CCI | Chronic Care Initiative (various locations) |
CCI | Centre de Création Industrielle (French: Industrial Design Center; est. 1969) |
CCI | Corporate Communications Interactive |
CCI | Cross Country International (equestrian vacations) |
CCI | Computer Crime Investigation |
CCI | Copie Conforme Invisible (French: Blind Carbon Copy) |
CCI | Connecticut Culinary Institute (est. 1987) |
CCI | Community Change, Inc. (Boston, MA) |
CCI | Center for Clinical Investigation (Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society) |
CCI | Centre for Contemporary Islam (University of Cape Town; South Africa) |
CCI | Center for Community Inclusion |
CCI | Center for Corporate Integrity (City University of New York) |
CCI | Chambre de Commerce et Industrie |
CCI | Conservation Consultants Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA) |
CCI | Centre for Construction Innovation (UK) |
CCI | Chess Collectors International |
CCI | California Criminalistics Institute (California Department of Justice Forensic Science training institute in Sacramento, CA) |
CCI | Cour Canadienne de l'Impôt (French: Tax Court of Canada) |
CCI | Computer Crime Investigator |
CCI | Climate Change Institute (University of Maine) |
CCI | Complex Carbohydrate Intolerance |
CCI | Competence Center Informatik |
CCI | Center for Conservation Incentives |
CCI | Center for Civic Innovation (Manhattan Institute) |
CCI | Celebrity Centre International (California) |
CCI | Concrete Coatings Inspector |
CCI | Cámara Colombiana de la Infraestructura (Spanish) |
CCI | Condensed Curriculum International, Inc. |
CCI | Consolidated Contracting Initiative (NASA) |
CCI | Commercial Communications, Inc. |
CCI | Carolina Computing Initiative (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) |
CCI | Call Center India (est. 2002) |
CCI | Colorado Correctional Industries (Colorado Department of Corrections) |
CCI | Creative Communities Initiative (various locations) |
CCI | Corporate Citizenship Initiative (various companies) |
CCI | Co-Counselling International (Ireland) |
CCI | Cellular Communications Inc. |
CCI | Coastal Catchments Initiative |
CCI | Commission for Climatology (WMO) |
CCI | Cable Constructors, Inc. |
CCI | Centre for Change and Innovation (NHS Scotland, UK) |
CCI | Custom Chrome Inc. |
CCI | Community College of Indiana |
CCI | Concrete Countertop Institute |
CCI | Career Coach Institute |
CCI | Centre for Clinical Interventions (Australia) |
CCI | Centre for Computational Intelligence |
CCI | Concours Complet d'Equitation (French: complete equestrian competition) |
CCI | Center for Community Involvement |
CCI | Center for Community Informatics (Loyola College; Maryland) |
CCI | Computer Careers International |
CCI | Communion of Churches in Indonesia |
CCI | Children Challenging Industry |
CCI | Command Control Interface (Hitachi) |
CCI | Cooperative Computing, Inc. (Texas) |
CCI | Component Concepts Inc (Newberg, Oregon) |
CCI | Circuit Components Inc. |
CCI | Crafts Council of India |
CCI | Cotton Corporation of India Ltd. |
CCI | Corporate Communications Institute (Fairleigh Dickinson University) |
CCI | Confederazione Cooperative Italiane |
CCI | Concrete Coatings Incorporated (Oregon) |
CCI | Confidential Communications International, Ltd. (Houston, TX) |
CCI | Carlson Companies, Inc. |
CCI | Creative Chemistry on the Internet |
CCI | Commodity Components International |
CCI | Columbus Circle Investors |
CCI | Camera City Inc. |
CCI | Connection Control Interface |
CCI | Cámara de Comercio Italiana |
CCI | Country Coach International (RV manufacturer) |
CCI | Canadian Carpet Institute |
CCI | Career Care Institute |
CCI | Cost Construction Index |
CCI | Contaminant Control, Inc. |
CCI | Computer Consoles, Incorporated |
CCI | Cleft-Children International (Zurich, Switzerland) |
CCI | Canadian Copyright Institute |
CCI | Code Consultants, Inc. |
CCI | Canada Composting Inc. |
CCI | Comunidad Cristiana Internacional |
CCI | Center for Creative Instruction |
CCI | Computational Crystallography Initiative |
CCI | Central Coast Internet (NSW Australia) |
CCI | California Cars Initiative |
CCI | Center for Customer Insight (McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin) |
CCI | Charge Contrast Imaging |
CCI | Catholic Council of India |
CCI | Canadian Culinary Institute |
CCI | Cortical Impact Injury |
CCI | Call Centers International |
CCI | Creative Controls, Inc. |
CCI | Cement Corporation of India Limited (New Delhi, India) |
CCI | Carbon Composites, Inc |
CCI | Carrefour de Chrétiens Inclusifs (French: Crossroads of Inclusive Christians) |
CCI | Corrosion Control International |
CCI | Can Combine Icons (software) |
CCI | Centre for Cellular Imaging (Sweden) |
CCI | Centre Culturel Islamique (French) |
CCI | Crisis Control Institute (science fiction) |
CCI | César E. Chávez Institute (San Francisco State University; California) |
CCI | Canadian Constructors International Ltd. (North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) |
CCI | Corporate Claims International Ltd |
CCI | Compliance Coordinated Issues (US IRS) |
CCI | Cable Consulting International |
CCI | Cambodia Communication Institute (Phnom Penh, Cambodia) |
CCI | Colour Confusion Index |
CCI | Columbus Chemical Industries, Inc. (Columbus, WI) |
CCI | Computer Carrier Interrupt |
CCI | Centa- city Index |
CCI | Cross-Cultural Institute |
CCI | Corrective Coding Initiative (medical billing) |
CCI | Contracted Configuration Interaction |
CCI | Continuity Check Indicator |
CCI | Centre for Cultural Informatics |
CCI | Centre de Commercialisation Internationale (Canada) |
CCI | Campus Community Initiative (UC Berkeley) |
CCI | Corporate Catalyst India |
CCI | Centro Coordinador Indigenista (Spanish: Indigenous Coordinator Center; Mexico) |
CCI | Calle's Custom Icons |
CCI | Communities of Common Interest |
CCI | Chiari Connection International |
CCI | Cancer Care International |
CCI | Chronic Coronary Insufficiency |
CCI | Close Combat Instructor |
CCI | Communications and Creative Industries |
CCI | Channel Covariance Information |
CCI | Core Club International |
CCI | Capital Commercial Investments, Inc. |
CCI | Clean City Initiative |
CCI | Carter Center, Inc. |
CCI | Cross-Channel Interference |
CCI | Consumer Co-Op International |
CCI | Cattano Construction, Inc. (Apex, NC) |
CCI | Children's Camps International |
CCI | Call Charge Indication (European ISDN) |
CCI | Camosun College International (British Columbia, Canada) |
CCI | Centre Chief Instructor (skydiving/parachuting) |
CCI | Corporate College International |
CCI | Center for Collaboration and Inquiry (University of Akron; Akron, OH) |
CCI | Cedarbrae Collegiate Institute (Toronto, ON, Canada) |
CCI | Christian Challenge International (Pineville, LA) |
CCI | Customer Called In (tech support call logs) |
CCI | California Compensation Institute |
CCI | Centre for Clinical Informatics (University of Cambridge, UK) |
CCI | Continuity Check Incoming (CCS #7 & ITU-T) |
CCI | Corporate Concepts International, Inc. |
CCI | Cardijn Community International |
CCI | Cascade Cartridges, Inc. (rimfire ammunition manufacturer) |
CCI | Common Code for Identification (European Commission) |
CCI | Complete Configuration Interaction |
CCI | Compact Compression Ignition |
CCI | Cámera de Comercio e Industria |
CCI | Cornerstone Concepts, Inc. |
CCI | College Campus Initiative |
CCI | Cheshil Consultants, Inc. |
CCI | Center for Community Interest |
CCI | Computer Crime Initiative |
CCI | COMSEC Controlled Items |
CCI | Ceccone-Clermont International, LLC (Ashton, MD) |
CCI | Customer Care Information |
CCI | Commanders Critical Information |
CCI | Central County Inland |
CCI | Callable Convertible Instruments |
CCI | Classical Civilization Courses |
CCI | Computer Composition International |
CCI | Center for Citizen Initiative |
CCI | Corrado Club Italia |
CCI | Concerned Citizens International |
CCI | Clear Channel Incorporated |
CCI | Command, Control and Indication |
CCI | Common Content Inspection Developers Group |
CCI | Crop Country Inventory |
CCI | Colegio Científico Integrado (Guatemala school) |
CCI | Cultural and Creative Interests |
CCI | Citroën Club Indonesia (Indonesian automobile club) |
CCI | Control Code Indicator |
CCI | Church Careers Institute (Centenary College) |
CCI | Chinese Christian Internet Mission |
CCI | Command Capability Issue |
CCI | Controlled Critical Impact |
CCI | Current Competitive Index |
CCI | Command and Control Identifier |
CCI | Configuration Control Index |
CCI | Carrier Controlled Intercept |
CCI | Centro Clinico Integrado (Guatemala health care institution) |
CCI | Convex/Concave Index |
CCI | Cours de Chefs et d'Instructeurs |
CCI | Connectivity, Compatibility, and Interoperability |
CCI | Comizia Care Inc. (Decatur, GA) |
CCI | Certified Court Interpreter |
CCI | Critical Corrosion Inspection (periodic inspection done on USAF aircraft) |
CCI | Compliant, Compatible and Interoperable |
CCI | Certified Computer Investigator |
CCI | Cassini Critical Item |
CCI | Centre Culture d'Idiofa (French: Idiofa Culture Center; Congo) |
CCI | Sociedad Española Para El Control de Calidad E Instrumentación, SL (Spanish: Spanish Society for Quality Control and Instrumentation, SL; Barcelona, Spain) |
CCI | Caridas Consulting International |
CCI | Communications Cooperative International |