Acronym | Definition |
CAP | Civil Air Patrol |
CAP | Capital Letter |
CAP | Combat Air Patrol |
CAP | Computer-Assisted Purchasing |
CAP | Capital (State) |
CAP | Center for American Progress |
CAP | Common Agricultural Policy (of the European Union) |
CAP | Capacity |
CAP | Central Arizona Project (canal moving water from Colorado River to Phoenix & Tucson) |
CAP | Casino Affiliate Programs (website) |
CAP | Community Access Program (Canada) |
CAP | Capability |
CAP | Consolidated Appeals Process (UN) |
CAP | Captain (US Armed Forces) |
CAP | Community Arts Partnership |
CAP | Children and Parents (various locations) |
CAP | Community-Acquired Pneumonia |
CAP | Client Assistance Program |
CAP | Community Acquired Pneumonia |
CAP | Capitalization |
CAP | Capacitor |
CAP | College of American Pathologists |
CAP | Committee of Advertising Practice (Advertising Standards Authority, UK) |
CAP | Competitive Acquisition Program (Medicare; US DHHS) |
CAP | Community Assistance Program |
CAP | Collaborative Art Projects |
CAP | Combined Action Program |
CAP | Cap Haitien, Haiti (airport code) |
CAP | Cut and Paste |
CAP | Certified Administrative Professional |
CAP | Children at Play |
CAP | Corrective Action Plan |
CAP | Community Advisory Panel |
CAP | Certified Automation Professional (International Society of Automation) |
CAP | Child and Adolescent Psychiatry |
CAP | Community Art Project (various organizations) |
CAP | Child and Adolescent Psychopathology |
CAP | Cancer of the Prostate |
CAP | College of Asia and the Pacific (Australian National University) |
CAP | Capuchin (order of friars, Roman Catholic Church) |
CAP | Carcinoma of the Prostate (oncology) |
CAP | Combat Air Patrol (US Air Force) |
CAP | Cost Allocation Plan |
CAP | Chemistry and Pharmacy (various schools) |
CAP | Certified Authorization Professional |
CAP | Chemical and Allied Products (various locations) |
CAP | Common Alerting Protocol (emergency alerts) |
CAP | Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle (French) |
CAP | Cannabis and Psychosis (therapy) |
CAP | Compound Action Potential (biology) |
CAP | Childcare Action Project |
CAP | Civic Arts Plaza |
CAP | Carolina Archery Products |
CAP | Child Advocacy Program (various locations) |
CAP | Civil Augmentation Program (US DoD) |
CAP | Crisis Action Planning (US DoD) |
CAP | Canadian Action Party |
CAP | Common Application Process (various schools) |
CAP | Consumers' Association of Penang |
CAP | California Partnership (Los Angeles, California) |
CAP | Chemical Accident Prevention (environmental protection) |
CAP | Capelin (FAO fish species code) |
CAP | Commission Administrative Paritaire (French: Joint Administrative Committee) |
CAP | Community Access Program (various locations) |
CAP | Criminal Alien Program (US DHS) |
CAP | Chromatin-Associated Protein |
CAP | Corporate Action Plan (various businesses) |
CAP | Compliance Audit Program |
CAP | Cyclic Alternating Pattern |
CAP | Champagne-Ardenne-Picardie (French publisher) |
CAP | College Access Program (various locations) |
CAP | Community Activities Program (various locations) |
CAP | Codice di Avviamento Postale (Italian: Postal Code) |
CAP | Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (American College of Financial Services) |
CAP | Career and Academic Planning (various schools) |
CAP | Cultural Arts Program (various locations) |
CAP | Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program |
CAP | Competitive Access Provider |
CAP | Corrective Action Program |
CAP | Computer Aided Planning |
CAP | Carrierless Amplitude and Phase |
CAP | Course Authoring Package |
CAP | Computer Aided Parallelization |
CAP | Chip Authentication Programme |
CAP | Client Allocation Protocol |
CAP | Change Application Procedure |
CAP | Capture File |
CAP | Connector Application Pack |
CAP | Camel Application Part |
CAP | Computer Aided Printing |
CAP | Compaq Accredited Professional |
CAP | Capitalized Phrase |
CAP | Configuration Access Protocol |
CAP | Commercial Access Provider |
CAP | Certified Advantage Partner |
CAP | Customer Access Program |
CAP | Computer Acquisition Program |
CAP | Certified Advanced Professional |
CAP | Ctm Access Profile |
CAP | Common Application Platform |
CAP | Canon Advanced Printing |
CAP | Computer Aided Publishing |
CAP | Carrierless Amplitude/Phase |
CAP | Classic American Pilsner (beer) |
CAP | Certification and Accreditation Program |
CAP | Chlor Alkali Products (Charleston, TN) |
CAP | Calendar Access Protocol |
CAP | Canadian Association of Physicists |
CAP | Central Atlanta Progress (Atlanta, GA) |
CAP | Camel Application Part (computer networking protocol) |
CAP | Connection Authorization Policy (computer infrastructure) |
CAP | Center for Advanced Purchasing (Tempe, AZ) |
CAP | Credit Application Processing |
CAP | Configuration and Alarm Panel (US DoD) |
CAP | Child and Adolescent Program (various locations) |
CAP | Crimes Against Persons |
CAP | Criteria Air Pollutant |
CAP | Canadian Alliance Party |
CAP | Concerned Alumni of Princeton |
CAP | Christian Appalachian Project (Lancaster, KY) |
CAP | Chip Authentication Program |
CAP | Carrierless Amplitude/Phase Modulation |
CAP | College of Alberta Psychologists (Canada) |
CAP | Computer-Aided Planning |
CAP | Cross-Agency Priority |
CAP | Consumers as Providers (various locations) |
CAP | Center for Applied Policy Research (University of Munich; Germany) |
CAP | Certificado de Aptitud Pedagógica (Spanish) |
CAP | Community-Academic Partnership (various organizations) |
CAP | Cooperative Agreement Program |
CAP | Computers and Philosophy (organization and conferences for study of philosophical computing issues) |
CAP | Customer Assistance Program |
CAP | Center for Arizona Policy |
CAP | Catabolite Activator Protein |
CAP | Cellulose Acetate Propionate |
CAP | Clean Air Plan |
CAP | Client Access Point |
CAP | College Achievement Program |
CAP | Cooperative Advertising Program (American Contract Bridge League) |
CAP | Change Acceleration Process |
CAP | Country Assistance Plan (various nations) |
CAP | Crisis Action Planning |
CAP | Combined Assessment Program (US VA) |
CAP | Clean Air Partnership |
CAP | Closing Agreement Program (IRS) |
CAP | Confederação dos Agricultores de Portugal |
CAP | College Academic Plan (various universities) |
CAP | Central Answering Position |
CAP | Communauté d'Agglomération Périgourdine (French: Agglomeration Community of Perigueux; Perigueux, France) |
CAP | Clube Atlético Paranaense (Brazilian football club) |
CAP | Controlled Atmosphere Packaging |
CAP | Children's Alopecia Project |
CAP | Combined Action Platoon |
CAP | Civil Assistance Plan (US and Canada) |
CAP | Continuing Authorities Program |
CAP | Content and Application Provider |
CAP | Casino Advisory Panel (UK) |
CAP | Commonwealth Association of Planners (UK) |
CAP | Certificat d'Aptitude Pédagogique (French teaching certificate; various locations) |
CAP | Coaching Accreditation Program |
CAP | Child Access Prevention (gun law) |
CAP | Chief Aviation Pilot (US Navy) |
CAP | Creative Arts Program |
CAP | Corresponding Angles Postulate (geometry) |
CAP | Committee on Accounting Procedure |
CAP | Cartridge Access Port |
CAP | Career Advantage Program (various universities) |
CAP | Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy (various schools) |
CAP | Concentrated Ambient Particle |
CAP | Computer-Aided Production |
CAP | Capital Accumulation Provision |
CAP | Corporate Advisory Panel (various organizations) |
CAP | Congressional Accountability Project |
CAP | Content Acquisition Program (Yahoo!) |
CAP | Career Awareness Program (Lehigh University) |
CAP | Code Analysis Plugin (software) |
CAP | Contemporary Australian Politics |
CAP | Compliance Assurance Program |
CAP | Chicago Area Project |
CAP | Consulting Archaeology Program (University of Vermont) |
CAP | Course Approval Program (appraising) |
CAP | Corporate Accountability Project |
CAP | College Advanced Placement (various schools) |
CAP | Corporate Advocacy Priorities (World Bank) |
CAP | Child Attention Problems (rating scale) |
CAP | Contraction-Associated Protein |
CAP | Computer-Aided Publishing |
CAP | Critical Agenda Project (various locations) |
CAP | Canadian Association of Palynologists |
CAP | Canadian Association of Principals |
CAP | Computer Algebra and Parallelism |
CAP | Consistency, Availability, and Partition Tolerance (distributed data systems) |
CAP | Caution/Advisory Panel |
CAP | Companion Animal Program (Cape Cod, MA) |
CAP | Canadian Association of Pathologists |
CAP | Certified Addictions Professional |
CAP | Compañia de Acero del Pacífico (Chile) |
CAP | Collection Appeals Program (US IRS) |
CAP | Conférence d'Apprentissage |
CAP | Citoyenneté, Action, Participation (French: Citizenship, Action, Participation; political organization) |
CAP | Content Access Point |
CAP | Customer Assurance Program (sponsored by Limra) |
CAP | Citizen Access Project (est. 1999) |
CAP | Communication Arts Program (academic) |
CAP | Cross Atlantic Partners (New York, NY) |
CAP | Chest/Abdomen/Pelvis (medical exams) |
CAP | Civil Aviation Publication (UK CAA) |
CAP | Controlled Access Protection |
CAP | Childcare Affordability Programme (UK) |
CAP | Crisis Action Plan (planning) |
CAP | Contractor Acquired Property |
CAP | Counselor Assistance Program (various organizations) |
CAP | Career Academic Preparation (various locations) |
CAP | Condition Assessment Programme |
CAP | Combined Application Project |
CAP | Corporate Assistance Program (various organizations) |
CAP | Contract Administration Plan |
CAP | Commercial Activities Panel |
CAP | Critical Acquisition Position |
CAP | Channel Access Protocol |
CAP | Career Assignment Program (Canada) |
CAP | Congress of Aboriginal People (Canada) |
CAP | Confédération Algérienne du Patronat (French: Algerian Confederation of Employers) |
CAP | Cumulative Average Point |
CAP | Conditional Access Packet (data transmission) |
CAP | Converted Applet (Java Card file extension) |
CAP | Client Assistance Project |
CAP | Corrugated Aluminum Pipe |
CAP | Computer/Electronics Accommodations Program (OSD) |
CAP | Channel Assignment Problem |
CAP | Composite Application Provisioning (software; various companies) |
CAP | Construction Assistance Program |
CAP | Capacity Assurance Plan |
CAP | Cost Allocation Procedure |
CAP | Common Agricultural Program (EU) |
CAP | Cost Account Plan(s) |
CAP | Consejo Agrario Permanente (Mexico) |
CAP | Claims Assistance Professional (health care) |
CAP | Continuous Application Protection (software) |
CAP | Central Arbitration Point |
CAP | Counterfeiting and Piracy Group (World Trade Organization) |
CAP | Citizen Advocacy Panel (US IRS) |
CAP | Command Advancement Program |
CAP | Customer Action Plan |
CAP | Compact Advocacy Programme (National Council for Voluntary Organisations; UK) |
CAP | College Administration Publications (est. 1973) |
CAP | Connection Approval Process (Defense Information Systems Agency) |
CAP | Component Approval Process |
CAP | Common Aftermarket Protocol |
CAP | Continuous Assessment Programme (UK) |
CAP | Cooperative Admissions Program (various institutions) |
CAP | Compagnie des Apôtres de la Paix (French) |
CAP | Cellular Array Processor |
CAP | Crew Activity Plan |
CAP | Common Air Picture |
CAP | Chemistry Animation Project (CalTech) |
CAP | Computer Accommodation Program |
CAP | Computer Application Program |
CAP | Communications-Electronics Accommodation Program |
CAP | Caribbean Amblyomma Programme |
CAP | Community Alliance on Prisons |
CAP | Centrally Authorised Procedure (EU) |
CAP | Crisis Action Procedures |
CAP | Community Action Policing |
CAP | Civilian Advisory Panel |
CAP | Confederación Argentina de Patín (Argentina) |
CAP | Centre d'Andrologie de Paris (French: Andrology Center of Paris; Paris, France) |
CAP | constitutively active protein |
CAP | Club Auto Passion (French automobile club) |
CAP | Chemical Awareness Program |
CAP | Credit Account Protector (credit card insurance for layoff, illness, or disability) |
CAP | Community Area Planning |
CAP | Citywide Accountability Program (New York) |
CAP | Computer Assisted Production |
CAP | Computer-Aided Parallelisation |
CAP | Control Anticipation Parameter |
CAP | Communications Application Platform |
CAP | Certification Agency Program |
CAP | Customer Administration Panel |
CAP | Customer Administration Panel (Bellcore) |
CAP | Cash Accumulation Plan |
CAP | Citizen Awareness Program |
CAP | Current Approved Program |
CAP | Contractor Assessment Program |
CAP | Company Aid Post |
CAP | Crew Activity Planning |
CAP | Continuous Audit Program |
CAP | Conversion And Parity (New York Stock Exchange) |
CAP | Control and Alarm Panel |
CAP | Customer Assistance Plan |
CAP | Center for Abused Persons |
CAP | Catholic American Princess |
CAP | Certified Awesome Person |
CAP | Current Assessment Plan |
CAP | Centralized Answering Position |
CAP | Childcare Action Program |
CAP | Church Agricultural Project (South Africa) |
CAP | Committee on Academic Progress |
CAP | Chemical Activity, Pacific |
CAP | Certified Access Point |
CAP | Code of Advertising Practice Committee |
CAP | Component Accessioning Point |
CAP | Chemistry Astronomy and Physics |
CAP | Call Admission Precedence (Cisco) |
CAP | Centrally Authorised Product (EU) |
CAP | Cost Account Package (NASA) |
CAP | Content Aware Processor |
CAP | Carrier Assistance Program |
CAP | Command Asset Program (securities bank account) |
CAP | Circuit Access Point |
CAP | Computer/Telecommunications Accessibility Program |
CAP | Congressional Affairs Program |
CAP | Communications Access Processor |
CAP | Coop Airlift Plan (Department of Homeland Security) |
CAP | Condominium Association Program |
CAP | Configuration Audit Plan |
CAP | Commander's Awareness Program |
CAP | Career Action Program |
CAP | CAcert Assurance Program |
CAP | Client Assessment Protocol |
CAP | Circuit Auto Passion (French automobile club) |
CAP | Channel Assembly Program |
CAP | Conventional Armaments Plan |
CAP | Computer Application Profile |
CAP | Community Awareness Plan |
CAP | Common Ada Package |
CAP | Command Acceptance Pattern |
CAP | Commercial Action Plan (contract management) |
CAP | Cryotron Associative Processor |
CAP | Cummins Accumulator Pump |
CAP | Computer-Aided Probing |
CAP | Change Application Procedure (Nortel) |
CAP | Contract Administration Panel |
CAP | Connection Approval Program |
CAP | CableHome Addressing Portal (Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.) |
CAP | Collaborative Analytical Process |
CAP | Colorado Automated Payment (Colorado Department of Labor and Employment) |
CAP | Course Assessment Panel |
CAP | Congested Area Plan (FAA approved plan for helicopters conducting external load operations in congested areas) |
CAP | Crisis Action Phase |
CAP | Carrier Access Provider |
CAP | Computer-Aided Purchasing |
CAP | COSMOS Analysis Program |
CAP | Computer Automated Performance Data |
CAP | Cost Analysis Panel |
CAP | CPU Access Port |
CAP | Controlled Acceleration Propulsion |
CAP | Critical Acquisition Process |
CAP | Colorado Admissions Program |
CAP | Composite Aircraft Program |
CAP | Chemical Agent Pod (Singapore Civil Defence Force) |
CAP | Connection Approval Authority |
CAP | Customer Account Professional (insurance) |
CAP | CCMS Application Program |
CAP | Coalition of Airline Providers |
CAP | Command Action Plan |
CAP | Coupled Azimuthal Potential |
CAP | Corporate Account Processing |
CAP | Codes and Paging |
CAP | Cost Account Program |
CAP | Customer Acceptance Package |
CAP | Club Athlétique de Périgueux (French: Périgueux Athletic Club; Périgueux, France) |
CAP | Customer Assistance Professional(s) |
CAP | Conditional Access Processor |
CAP | Customer Assistance Person |
CAP | Contribution Assessment Process |
CAP | Communications-Electronics Authorization Program |
CAP | Commerce Application Platform(s) |
CAP | Commodity Area Plan |
CAP | Cluster Allocation Panel |
CAP | Centralized Alarm Printing (Nortel) |
CAP | Contracts Administrative Procedure |
CAP | Commitment and Projection (Sprint) |
CAP | Command Acceptance Pulse |
CAP | Command Access Period |
CAP | Conférence Francophone sur l'Apprentissage artificiel |
CAP | Compatible Access Program (Sun) |
CAP | Claim Automation and Procedures (insurance) |
CAP | Command Audit Program |
CAP | Communications Access Protocol |
CAP | Complexity Analysis Program |
CAP | Claim Automation Procedure |
CAP | Connection Approval Package (US DoD) |
CAP | Common Authentication Proxy |
CAP | Communication Asset Process |
CAP | Centre d'Analyse et Programmation |
CAP | California Academy of Painters (Palo Alto, CA) |