Acronym | Definition |
CAPA | California Alternate Performance Assessment |
CAPA | Corrective And Preventive Actions |
CAPA | Certified Automotive Parts Association |
CAPA | Creative and Performing Arts (school) |
CAPA | Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants |
CAPA | Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness (Hillsdale, MI) |
CAPA | Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations (education) |
CAPA | Choice and Partnership Approach (various locations) |
CAPA | Captaris, Inc (stock symbol) |
CAPA | Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle Agricole (French: Certificate of Professional Agricultural Competence) |
CAPA | Center for the Advancement of Public Action (Bennington College; Vermont) |
CAPA | Computer Assisted Personalized Approach |
CAPA | California Academy of Physician Assistants |
CAPA | Columbus Association for the Performing Arts (New Haven, CT) |
CAPA | Canadian Arthritis Patient Alliance (Canada) |
CAPA | Commission Administrative Paritaire Académique (French: Joint Academic Administrative Committee) |
CAPA | Canadian Association for Photographic Art |
CAPA | Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology |
CAPA | Coalition of Airline Pilots Associations |
CAPA | Corrective Action/Preventative Action |
CAPA | Contemporary American Poetry Archive |
CAPA | Council of Anglican Provinces in Africa |
CAPA | Centers for Academic Programs Abroad |
CAPA | California Alliance of Paralegal Associations (San Leandro, CA) |
CAPA | Center for Asia Pacific Aviation |
CAPA | Communauté d'Agglomération du Pays Ajaccien (French: Agglomeration Community of Ajaccio; Ajaccio, France) |
CAPA | Chapter of the American Payroll Association (various locations) |
CAPA | Centre d'Art Polyphonique d'Alsace (French: Alsace Center For Polyphonic Art) |
CAPA | Coalition Against Psychiatric Assault (Canada) |
CAPA | Certified Ambulatory Perianesthesia Nurse |
CAPA | California Physicians Alliance (est. 1987) |
CAPA | Combat Aircraft Parking Area (US DoD) |
CAPA | Child Abduction Prevention Act |
CAPA | Critical Aquifer Protection Area |
CAPA | Chicago Association for the Performing Arts |
CAPA | California Peace Action |
CAPA | California Attractions and Parks Association (Sacramento, CA) |
CAPA | Corrugated Aluminum Pipe Arch (construction) |
CAPA | Complimentary Allocated Pit Addressing |
CAPA | Cost and Price Analysis |
CAPA | Cerebellar Ataxia, Paroxysmal, Acetazolamide-Responsive |
CAPA | Certificate in Advanced Public Administration |
CAPA | Canadian American Pudelpointer Association |
CAPA | Cellule Administrative Provisoire pour la Régionalisation de l'Agriculture (Belgium) |
CAPA | Canadian Animation Producers Association |
CAPA | Computer Aided Problem Analysis |
CAPA | Cumming Antique Power Association |
CAPA | Community Alternative for Persons with Autism (Washington) |
CAPA | Clinical Advisory Pharmacists Association (New Zealand) |
CAPA | Certified Accounts Payable Association (International Accounts Payable Professionals) |