CADCCertified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (various organizations)
CADCCentral Air Data Computer
CADCCrash Analysis Data Collector
CADCCollege of Architecture, Design and Construction (Auburn University; Alabama)
CADCCanadian Astronomy Data Centre
CADCChild and Dependent Care (taxes)
CADCChristian Anti-Defamation Commission
CADCCommunity Adult Day Care
CADCCharlottetown Area Development Corporation
CADCCanadian Association of Diving Contractors (North York, Ontario, Canada)
CADCChinese Association Dance Crew
CADCCarroll Area Development Corporation (Carroll, IA)
CADCCommon Artemis Driving Cycle
CADCCentral Area Distribution Center
CADCCrown Assets Distribution Centre (Canada)
CADCCertified Alcohol and Other Drugs of Addiction Counselor
CADCComputer-Aided-Drawing Computer
CADCCentral Asia Development Consultants (India)
CADCCaisse Associative de Dépôt et de Crédit (French: Deposit and Credit Associative Fund; Mali)
CADCCorps Air Defense Center
CADCCampaign Against DWP Corruption (UK)
CADCCertified Alzheimer's Coach (healthcare)
CADCComplex Analog-to-Digital Converter