BDEBorland Database Engine
BDEBanco de España (Spanish Central Bank)
BDEBureau des Etudiants (French: Office of Students)
BDEBureau des Eleves (French university student association)
BDEBitLocker Drive Encryption (Microsoft)
BDEBijna Dood Ervaringen (Dutch: Near Death Experience)
BDEBeginner Driver Education
BDEBulk Data Encryption (computing)
BDEEscort Vessel (warship)
BDEBusiness Development Enterprise (various locations)
BDEBusiness Development Executive
BDEBasic Data Entry
BDEBrothers, Deadalus, Elphinstone (national park)
BDEbrominated diphenyl ethers
BDEBrilliant Digital Entertainment (Sherman Oaks, CA)
BDEBond Dissociation Energy
BDEBund der Energieverbraucher
BDEBusiness Development Engineer
BDEBelow Deck Equipment (watercraft equipment)
BDEBest Day Ever
BDEBlock Diagram Editor
BDEBetriebs Daten Erfassung (German: Shop Floor Data Collection)
BDEBusiness Document Exchange (software)
BDEbasic daylight exposure (photography)
BDEBette Davis Eyes (Kim Carnes song)
BDEBasic Developmental Education
BDEBusiness Development Environment
BDEBaseline Development Environment
BDEBus Driver Error
BDEBasic Design Engineering
BDEBusiness Data Entity
BDEBeyond Demonstrable Effect
BDEBaruch Dayan ha'Emet (Hebrew: Blessed Is the True Judge; Jewish bereavement blessing)
BDEBest Dad Ever
BDEBulletin Départemental des Ecoles (French: County Schools Bulletin)
BDEBatch Data Extract
BDEBest Daughter Ever