Acronym | Definition |
BDF | Bio Diesel Fuel (energy) |
BDF | Belly Dance Fitness (exercise) |
BDF | Beneficiary Designation Form (insurance) |
BDF | Banque de France |
BDF | Biodynamic Farming |
BDF | Beiersdorf (German pharmaceutic enterprise) |
BDF | Bergère de France (French clothing company) |
BDF | Biographical Data Form (various organizations) |
BDF | Bitmap Description Format |
BDF | Binary Distribution Format |
BDF | Business Description File |
BDF | Backup Data Facility |
BDF | Bitmap Distribution Format |
BDF | Binary Data File |
BDF | Binary Data Format |
BDF | Branch Decrement on Condition False |
BDF | Binary Distribution Fonts |
BDF | Bluray Disc Founders |
BDF | Binary Data Fonts |
BDF | Binary Update File |
BDF | Bates Dance Festival (Lewiston, ME) |
BDF | Botswana Defence Force |
BDF | Business Development Fellowship |
BDF | Bitmap Distribution Format (font format) |
BDF | Belize Defense Force |
BDF | Business Development Fund |
BDF | Bilateral Distal Femoral |
BDF | Bahrain Defence Force |
BDF | Backward Differentiation Formula |
BDF | Bund Deutscher Forstleute (German forestry) |
BDF | Barbados Defence Force |
BDF | Below Derrick Floor (drilling measurement) |
BDF | Broadcasting Development Fund (Taiwan) |
BDF | Browser Definition File |
BDF | Baryshnikov Dance Foundation (est. 1979) |
BDF | Building Distribution Frame |
BDF | Bruit de Fond (French: Background Noise) |
BDF | Broadway Dreams Foundation (Alpharetta, GA) |
BDF | Ballroom Dancers Federation |
BDF | Burst Data Frame (telecommunications) |
BDF | Base Defense Force |
BDF | Bundesminister der Finanzen (German Minister of Finance) |
BDF | Binary Distribution Format (communication protocol) |
BDF | Big Dumb Face (band) |
BDF | British Drilling and Freezing (UK) |
BDF | Biosolids Derived Fuel |
BDF | Bibliothèque de France (French: Library of France) |
BDF | Budget de Famille (French: Family Budget) |
BDF | Bioenergy Development Fund (private equity fund) |
BDF | Base Detonating Fuze |
BDF | Business Design Facility |
BDF | Barrier Display Film (food packing) |
BDF | Bruno de Faveri (French carpentry company) |
BDF | Bus/Device/Function (PCI technology) |
BDF | Bibliothèque du Finistère (French library) |
BDF | Block Data Format |
BDF | Bulk Data Feed |
BDF | Bradford, Illinois (Airport Code) |
BDF | Big Damn Funny (online humor magazine) |
BDF | Battery Distribution Frame |
BDF | Behavior Definition Frame (simulation modeling) |
BDF | Bundesverband Deutscher Fertigbau ev (German) |
BDF | Business Data Forecast |
BDF | Brand Development Fee |