CIHChartered Institute of Housing (UK)
CIHCertified Industrial Hygienist (ABIH)
CIHCentre for International Health (University of Bergen; Norway)
CIHCollision Intractable Hash
CIHCam in Head
CIHConstant Image Height
CIHCrédit Immobilier et Hôtelier (French; Moroccan bank)
CIHChen Ing-Hau (creator of the Chernobyl Virus)
CIHCamshaft in Head (engine)
CIHComité Interministériel du Handicap (French: Interministerial Committee on Disability)
CIHCentre d'Ingénierie Hydraulique (French: Hydraulic Engineering Center)
CIHClassification Internationale des Handicaps
CIHCash in Hand
CIHConey Island Hospital (Brooklyn, New York)
CIHCompagnie Immobilière d'Hardelot (French real estate company)
CIHCentre d'Immunologie Humaine (French: Human Immunology Center)
CIHCertified Incident Handler
CIHCaffeine-Induced Hysteria