Acronym | Definition |
BSM | Business Service Management |
BSM | Blind Spot Monitor (vehicles) |
BSM | Basic Security Module |
BSM | Beyond the Standard Model |
BSM | Baptist Student Ministry (various locations) |
BSM | Black Scholes Model (financial mathematics) |
BSM | Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur (Indian university) |
BSM | Bata Shoe Museum (Toronto, Canada) |
BSM | Bachelor of Science in Management (academics) |
BSM | British School of Motoring |
BSM | Best Stations Memory (Pioneer car stereos) |
BSM | Business Systems Modernization |
BSM | Bronze Star Medal |
BSM | Brother-Sister Moments |
BSM | Backup Session Manager |
BSM | Blind Spot Monitoring |
BSM | Backward Setup Message |
BSM | Broadband Satellite Multimedia |
BSM | Basic Storage Module |
BSM | Bracket State Manager |
BSM | Basic Security Manager |
BSM | Bit Synchronizer Menu |
BSM | Best Stations Memory |
BSM | Business Systems Manager |
BSM | Bank Syariah Mandiri (Indonesia) |
BSM | Benilde-St. Margaret's (Catholic school, St. Louis Park, Minnesota) |
BSM | Bladder Smooth Muscle (metabolism) |
BSM | Black Student Movement |
BSM | Bounded Storage Model (cryptography) |
BSM | Big Stick Media (Canada) |
BSM | Boulogne Sur Mer (French city) |
BSM | Blue Sky Marketing (Florida) |
BSM | Battery Sergeant-Major (Canadian and British Military) |
BSM | Bovine Submaxillary Mucin (biology) |
BSM | Building Systems Magazine |
BSM | Battery Status Monitor (voltmeter) |
BSM | Building Society Mortgage (UK) |
BSM | Base de Sous-Marins (French: Submarine Base) |
BSM | Budapest Semesters in Mathematics |
BSM | Business State Machine (IBM) |
BSM | Bronchial Smooth-Muscle |
BSM | Base Station Manager |
BSM | Bitter Sweet Memories |
BSM | Bâtiment de Soutien Mobile (French: Mobile Support Vessel) |
BSM | Body Surface Map |
BSM | Board Spirit Marseille (France) |
BSM | Banca di San Marino (Italian: Bank of San Marino) |
BSM | Booster Separation Motor (NASA) |
BSM | Burn Scar Mapping (fires; EU) |
BSM | Battlefield Spectrum Management |
BSM | Bureau of Street Use and Mapping |
BSM | Belgian Society for Microscopy |
BSM | Battalion Sergeant Major |
BSM | Baggage Source Message (International Air Transport Association) |
BSM | Body Side Moulding |
BSM | Bois Sciés Manufacturés (French timber company) |
BSM | Business Support Management |
BSM | Base Security Module |
BSM | Blood Safety Module |
BSM | Basic Sustainment Materiel |
BSM | Backward Setup Message (CCS #7 ITU-T) |
BSM | Bell South Mobility |
BSM | Baseline Science Mission |
BSM | Backstage Manager (theatre) |
BSM | Battle Stations Missile |
BSM | Bretagne Service Manutention (French machinery supplier) |
BSM | British Standard Milk (tube fitting) |
BSM | Bit Stream Monitor |
BSM | Bessin Seulles et Mer (French commune) |
BSM | Bulk Store Memory |
BSM | Bradley Stoke Matters (UK magazine) |
BSM | Basket Saint-Macaire-en-Mauges (French basketball club) |
BSM | Bibliothèque des Sciences de la Motricité (French: Library of Motion Science; Belgium) |
BSM | Basic Sinusoidal Model |