Acronym | Definition |
CFL | Canadian Football League |
CFL | Compact Fluorescent Lamp |
CFL | Central Florida |
CFL | Comité des Finances Locales (French: Local Finance Committee) |
CFL | Compact Fluorescent Light/bulb |
CFL | Continental Football League |
CFL | Crossing the Finish Line (various organizations) |
CFL | Center for Ledelse (Danish: Center for Leadership) |
CFL | Cathode Fluorescent Lamp |
CFL | College of Foreign Languages (various locations) |
CFL | Campaign for Liberty |
CFL | Center for Limnology (University of Wisconsin) |
CFL | Claim for Loss |
CFL | Common Feed List |
CFL | Corel Flowchart |
CFL | College Football Line (sports betting) |
CFL | Central Federal Lands |
CFL | Collaborative Family Law |
CFL | Central Freight Lines (Waco, TX) |
CFL | Community Foundation of Louisville (Louisville, KY) |
CFL | Context Free Language |
CFL | Circumpolar Flaw Lead |
CFL | Children, Families and Learning |
CFL | Central Forensic Laboratory (India) |
CFL | Call Failure (Signal) |
CFL | Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (mathematics) |
CFL | Can't Find Love |
CFL | Calcaneofibular Ligament (physiology) |
CFL | Coaching for Leadership (various organizations) |
CFL | Centre de Foresterie des Laurentides (French: Laurentian Forestry Center; Canada) |
CFL | Center for Literacy |
CFL | Connecticut for Lieberman |
CFL | California Federation of Labor |
CFL | Champions for Life |
CFL | Catholic Forensic League |
CFL | Coordinated Fire Line |
CFL | Christ for Life |
CFL | Cleared Flight Level (air navigation) |
CFL | Coefficient de Frottement Longitudinal (French: Longitudinal Friction Coefficient; road adhesion indicator) |
CFL | Choppers for Life |
CFL | Ceasefire Line |
CFL | Chemin de Fer Luxembourgeois |
CFL | Calibrated Focal Length |
CFL | Canadian Federation of Labour |
CFL | Chinese Forced Labor |
CFL | Cadet Flight Leader |
CFL | Club Francais du Livre (French Book Club) |
CFL | Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxemburgeois (Luxembourg National Railway Company) |
CFL | Capacitated Facility Location |
CFL | Contingency Planning Facilities List (US DoD) |
CFL | Courant-Friedrich-Levy Condition (constraint on solving FDTD equations) |
CFL | Cargo Force Limited (shipping; UK) |
CFL | Consolidated Fisheries Ltd |
CFL | Critical Field Length |
CFL | Chinese Federation of Labor (Taiwan) |
CFL | Cercle Félin du Languedoc (French cat club) |
CFL | Centre de Formation en Langues (French: Language Training Center; various universities) |
CFL | Confidential Frequency List (publication) |
CFL | Commission on Filipino Language |
CFL | Community Foundation of the Lowcountry (also seen as CFLC) |
CFL | Command File Language |
CFL | Ceylon Federation of Labor |
CFL | Consequence of Failure Level |
CFL | Computer Forensics Laboratory |
CFL | Committee for a Free Latvia |
CFL | Christian Family Living/Life |
CFL | Committee for a Free Lithuania |
CFL | Customer Final Label (UK mailing bag label) |
CFL | Close Focus Lens |
CFL | Cold Flush |
CFL | Custom Function Library |
CFL | Constant Feed Lubricator |
CFL | Committee on Federal Laboratories |
CFL | Cold Flow Laboratory |
CFL | Critical Functionality Loss |
CFL | Captain/Colonel for Life (military slang for someone who is unlikely to be promoted) |
CFL | Commission Fédérale du Logement (French: Federal Housing Commission; Switzerland) |