Acronym | Definition |
CFP | Certified Financial Planner |
CFP | Call For Papers |
CFP | Computers, Freedom and Privacy |
CFP | COSMIC (Common Software Measurement Group International Consortium) Function Point |
CFP | Call for Proposals |
CFP | Common Fisheries Policy |
CFP | Comprehensive Financial Planning |
CFP | Conference for Food Protection |
CFP | Canada Free Press (newspaper) |
CFP | Certificate in Financial Planning (various schools) |
CFP | Coalition for Peace |
CFP | Canadian Family Physician (magazine) |
CFP | Call for Presentations (conference; various organizations) |
CFP | Crowdfunding Platform |
CFP | Conselho Federal de Psicologia (Brazil) |
CFP | Commission de la Fonction Publique du Canada (Public Service Commission of Canada) |
CFP | Call for Proposal |
CFP | Connector for Front Panel |
CFP | Cpu Intensive Floating Point |
CFP | Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic |
CFP | Complete Fax Portable |
CFP | Contention Free Period |
CFP | Compact Field Point |
CFP | Ceramic Flat Package |
CFP | Corporate Finance Partners (Germany) |
CFP | College Football Poll |
CFP | Combatants for Peace |
CFP | Centre for Publishing (UK) |
CFP | Congé de Formation Professionnelle (French: Vocational Training Leave) |
CFP | Capital Facilities Plan |
CFP | Columbia Forest Products |
CFP | Community Food Projects (USDA) |
CFP | Coastal Fisheries Programme (Secretariat of the Pacific Community) |
CFP | Comptoirs Français du Pacifique (French Pacific Islands currency) |
CFP | Concealed Firearm Permit |
CFP | Cystic Fibrosis Patient |
CFP | Certificat de Formation Professionnelle (French: Vocational Training Certificate) |
CFP | Casey Family Programs (Seattle, Washington) |
CFP | Certificat de Français Professionnel (French language certification) |
CFP | Congressional Fellowship Program (various organizations) |
CFP | Child and Family Plan (various organizations) |
CFP | Consolidated Fire Protection (Irvine, CA) |
CFP | Concentración de Fuerzas Populares (Concentration of Popular Forces, Ecuador) |
CFP | Central Focal Point (elections) |
CFP | Centre de Formation Permanente (French: Center for Continuing Education) |
CFP | Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic |
CFP | Cochran Fellowship Program (USDA) |
CFP | Cooperative Feeding Program |
CFP | Colonies Françaises du Pacifique (French Pacifc Islands coin) |
CFP | Certified Fence Professional |
CFP | Central Florida Presbytery (Orlando, FL) |
CFP | Co-Financing Programme (various organizations) |
CFP | Cyan Fluorescence Protein (microscopy) |
CFP | Community Fire Plan (various locations) |
CFP | Communications Focal Point |
CFP | Centre de Formation de la Plasturgie (French: Plastics Industry Training Center) |
CFP | Coatings for Plastics (symposium) |
CFP | Computer Flight Plan |
CFP | Compagnie Française du Panneau (French lumber company) |
CFP | Canadian Centre for Foreign Policy Development |
CFP | Career Focus Program (US Air Force) |
CFP | Cold Front Passage |
CFP | Center-Fire Pistol (firearms) |
CFP | Chill Factor Performance (clothing) |
CFP | Contingency Force Pool |
CFP | Certified Fitness Professional |
CFP | Central Florida Partnership |
CFP | Complementary Feedback Pair |
CFP | Contention-Free Periods (IEEE 802.11e) |
CFP | Combat Feeding Program (US DoD) |
CFP | Community Fellows Program |
CFP | Concepts Fondamentaux de la Physique (French: Fundamental Concepts of Physics; various schools) |
CFP | Conceptual Flight Profile |
CFP | Center for Pluralism (various locations) |
CFP | Computer Fax Protocol |
CFP | Children's Forest Program (India) |
CFP | Canada Firearms Program |
CFP | Contract Financing Program |
CFP | Canadian Family Pharmacy |
CFP | Carrier Frequency Pulse |
CFP | Common Foundation Program (nursing education) |
CFP | Canadian Fleet Pacific |
CFP | Club Français de la Pékin (French chicken breeding club) |
CFP | Centrifuge Facility Project |
CFP | Concept Formulation Package/Plan/Process |
CFP | Contractor-Furnished Property/Product |
CFP | Contractor-Furnished Personnel |
CFP | Centenary of Federation Plaque (Australia) |
CFP | Concept Formulation Paper |
CFP | Counter-Flow Pipeline |
CFP | Car Finance Plan |
CFP | Corrugated Fibre Packaging (manufacturing) |
CFP | Cypher Feedback |
CFP | Clôtures Fermetures Production (French fence production company) |
CFP | Creation Facilities Program |
CFP | Central Focal Protrusion |
CFP | Charged Fusion Product |