CITECitation (HTML)
CITECenter for Information Technology in Education (various locations)
CITEConvention on International Trade in Endangered Species
CITEConstruction Industry Trading Electronically (UK)
CITECenter for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (Cebu City, Philippines)
CITECenter of Industrial and Technical Excellence
CITECertified Incentive Travel Executive
CITECanadian Institute of Transportation Engineers
CITECenter for Internet Technology in Education
CITECargo Integration Test Equipment
CITEConsortium of Information and Telecommunications Executives
CITEChemical Instrumentation Test and Evaluation
CITECenter for Independence, Technology, and Education
CITECommunications and Information Technology Excellence
CITEContractor Independent Technical Effort
CITECentre for Ideas and the Economy (Australia)
CITECompliance and Interoperability Testing & Evaluation
CITECommanders Integrated Training Environment (US Army)