Acronym | Definition |
BMA | British Medical Association |
BMA | Business Marketing Association |
BMA | Boston-Maine Airways (Portsmouth, NH) |
BMA | Baltimore Museum of Art (Maryland) |
BMA | Butyl Methacrylate (monomer) |
BMA | Bangkok Metropolitan Administration |
BMA | Bermuda Monetary Authority |
BMA | Boulder Municipal Airport (Boulder, CO) |
BMA | Blue Mountain Arts (greeting cards; Boulder, CO) |
BMA | Bundesministerium für Arbeit Und Sozialordnung (German: Federal Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs) |
BMA | Base Memory Address |
BMA | Buffer Management Asic |
BMA | Brandmeldeanlage (German: Fire Detection System/Fire Alarm System) |
BMA | Board of Mayor and Aldermen (various locations) |
BMA | Bond Market Association (merged into Securities Industry & Financial Markets Association) |
BMA | Baptist Missionary Association |
BMA | Business Model Analysis |
BMA | Bahrain Monetary Agency |
BMA | Business Management Association (various locations) |
BMA | Bureau Monumenten & Archeologie (Dutch: Bureau of Monuments and Archaeology) |
BMA | Brevet des Métiers d'Art (French) |
BMA | Bayesian Model Averaging |
BMA | Biens Mal Acquis (French: Ill Gotten Goods) |
BMA | Border Management Agency (various locations) |
BMA | Business Mission Area (US DoD GIG Architectural Vision) |
BMA | Bois et Matériaux Associés (French: Wood and Associated Materials; industry categorization) |
BMA | British Military Administration |
BMA | Birmingham Museum of Art (Alabama) |
BMA | Binding Mandatory Arbitration |
BMA | Business Men's Assurance |
BMA | Belfast Metropolitan Area (UK) |
BMA | British Mediterranean Airways |
BMA | Baby Milk Action |
BMA | Block Matching Algorithm |
BMA | Bank Marketing Association |
BMA | Braunschweigische Maschinenbauanstalt, AG (German: Brunswick Machinery Construction Company, Ltd.; Brunswick, Germany) |
BMA | Bangladesh Medical Association |
BMA | Biodiversity Management Area (various locations) |
BMA | Business Mail Acceptance (various organizations) |
BMA | Beirut Marathon Association (Lebanon) |
BMA | Blow Me Away (song) |
BMA | Beyond Madison Avenue |
BMA | Bicyclette a Moteur Auxiliaire (French: Bicycles with Auxiliary Engines) |
BMA | Broker Market Analysis (real estate) |
BMA | Boulder Mountainbike Alliance (Boulder, CO) |
BMA | Bachelor of Musical Arts (degree) |
BMA | Boundary Matching Algorithm |
BMA | Bangladesh Military Academy |
BMA | Bedside Medication Administration (software) |
BMA | Bahamas Monetary Authority |
BMA | Bio-MedApps (Montreal, QB, Canada) |
BMA | Brest Métropole Aménagement (French: Brest City Planning; Brest, France) |
BMA | Broadcast Multiple Access |
BMA | Black Male Adult |
BMA | Bosnian Muslim Army |
BMA | Bite My Ass |
BMA | Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm |
BMA | Bulk Maritime Agencies (Netherlands) |
BMA | Base des Miniatures Agricoles (French hobby software company) |
BMA | Builder Marts of America, Inc |
BMA | Business Meeting Agency (French financial services company) |
BMA | Bordeaux Métropole Aménagement (French: Bordeaux Metropolitan Planning) |
BMA | Black Market Adoption |
BMA | Bagnols Marcoule Athlétisme (French athletic organization) |
BMA | Bytown Motorcycle Association |
BMA | Body Mounted Accelerometer |
BMA | Bellot Mullenbach et Associés (French: Bellot Mullenbach and Associates; accounting firm; Paris, France) |
BMA | Best Mate Always |
BMA | Battery-Minefield Angle |
BMA | Basic Maintenance Allowance |
BMA | Brockville Musicians Association |
BMA | Business Management Assistant |
BMA | Business Modeling and Architecture |
BMA | British Military Association |
BMA | Battlefield Management Area (US DoD) |
BMA | BASE (Body Mechanic Application for Self Evolution) Martial Arts (martial arts method) |
BMA | Battery Module Assembly |
BMA | Buggys Motos Aventures (French recreational vehicle dealer) |
BMA | Batticaloa Medical Association |
BMA | Bolt Motor Actuator |
BMA | Buffer Memory ASIC (Cisco) |
BMA | Behavioral Model Analysis |
BMA | Bureaux des Menées Antinationales (French: Bureau of Anti-National Activities) |
BMA | Bit Manipulation Accelerator |
BMA | Belles Mécaniques Anciennes (French antique automobile club) |
BMA | Below Mean Axis (drawing reference plane) |
BMA | Benefit Management Account |
BMA | Billington Mitsubishi Alliance (BHP; Brisbane, QLD, Australia) |
BMA | Blind Mate A (RF connectors designed for fixed bulkhead connections at microwave frequencies) |
BMA | Bone Mass Aspiration |
BMA | Base Management Application (Sprint) |
BMA | Box Matching Algorithm |
BMA | Stockholm, Sweden - Bromma Airport (Airport Code) |
BMA | Briques Monolithes Acoustiques (French: Brick Acoustic Monoliths; sound absorption product) |
BMA | Bergamo's Martial Arts |