Acronym | Definition |
ANIS | Animations |
ANIS | Association Nord Internet Solidaire (French: North Solidaire Internet Association; Roubaix, France) |
ANIS | Associazione Nazionale Istruttori Subacquei (Italian: National Association of Underwater Instructors) |
ANIS | Ammonium Nitrate-Icing Sugar (explosive) |
ANIS | Asociación Nacional de Indígenas Salvadoreños (Spanish: National Association of Indigenous Salvadorans) |
ANIS | Automatic Navigation Intercept System |
ANIS | Arabian Network Information Services (Bahrain) |
ANIS | Association pour le Développement National de l'Internet dans la Santé |
ANIS | Agency for Nuclear and Industrial Safety (est. 2001; Japan) |