Acronym | Definition |
CEC | Council for Exceptional Children |
CEC | Commission of the European Communities |
CEC | Congress on Evolutionary Computation (conference) |
CEC | Council for Exceptional Children (Arlington, VA) |
CEC | Commission for Environmental Cooperation (North American Free Trade Agreement Agency) |
CEC | California Energy Commission |
CEC | Cliff Electronic Components (UK) |
CEC | Conference of European Churches |
CEC | Cation Exchange Capacity |
CEC | Consumer Electronics Control (feature of the HDMI Version 1.3 video interface) |
CEC | Commission on Education and Communication (International Union for Conservation of Nature) |
CEC | Consulting Engineering Center (Amman, Jordan) |
CEC | Chief Election Commissioner (India) |
CEC | Central Election Commission (Albania) |
CEC | Conference on E-Commerce Technology |
CEC | Conference on Electronic Commerce |
CEC | Continuing Education Credit |
CEC | Chuck E Cheese |
CEC | Canadian Electrical Code |
CEC | Cooperative Engagement Capability |
CEC | Ciencia e Cultura (Portuguese: Science and Culture; magazine; Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science) |
CEC | College of Engineering and Computing (various locations) |
CEC | Contaminants of Emerging Concern (health safety) |
CEC | City of Edinburgh Council (UK) |
CEC | Certified Executive Chef |
CEC | Cruzeiro Esporte Clube (Brazilian team) |
CEC | Charismatic Episcopal Church |
CEC | California Energy Code |
CEC | Computer Engineering & Consulting, Ltd. (Japan) |
CEC | City Ethics Commission (Los Angeles, CA) |
CEC | Coordinating European Council for the Development of Performance Tests for Fuels, Lubricants and Other Fluids (UK) |
CEC | Community Engagement Center (various universities) |
CEC | Customer Engagement Center (customer service) |
CEC | Canadian Electroacoustic Community |
CEC | Constituents of Emerging Concern (California) |
CEC | California Education Code |
CEC | Conference on E-Commerce |
CEC | Certificate Enrollment Control |
CEC | Citrix Expert Center |
CEC | Consumer Electronic Control |
CEC | Cisco Employee Connection |
CEC | Civil Engineer Corps (US DoD) |
CEC | Centre Excursionista de Catalunya (Mountaineering association in Catalonia) |
CEC | Community of Educators |
CEC | Catholic Education Centre (various locations) |
CEC | Capillary Electrochromatography |
CEC | Community Education Council |
CEC | Contrat Emploi Consolidé (French: Consolidated Employment Contract) |
CEC | Commerce and Enterprise Computing |
CEC | Commission of European Communities |
CEC | Changi Exhibition Centre (Singapore) |
CEC | Clinical Education Center (various locations) |
CEC | Chicagoland Entrepreneurial Center (Chicago, IL) |
CEC | Colorado Environmental Coalition |
CEC | Certified Executive Coach |
CEC | Community Enterprise Centre (various locations) |
CEC | Council for Education in the Commonwealth (UK) |
CEC | Commonwealth Engineers Council (UK) |
CEC | Consumer Energy Center (various locations) |
CEC | Christ Episcopal Church (various locations) |
CEC | Certified E-Commerce Consultant |
CEC | Christian Education Committee |
CEC | Casa de Economii Si Consemnatiuni (Romania) |
CEC | Countries at the Crossroads (comparative governance assessment) |
CEC | Center for Ethics and Culture |
CEC | Capacité d'Échange Cationique (French: Cation Exchange Capacity) |
CEC | Central Electronic Complex |
CEC | Clinical Events Committee |
CEC | Club d'Education Canine (French: Dog Training Club) |
CEC | Centre Européen des Consommateurs (French: European Consumer Center) |
CEC | Corvallis Environmental Center (Oregon) |
CEC | Commission d'Enquête Citoyenne (French: Citizens' Inquiry Commission) |
CEC | Center for Environmental Communication (Rutgers University; New Jersey) |
CEC | Coors Events Center (University of Colorado; Boulder, CO) |
CEC | Cultural Exchange Center (various locations) |
CEC | Community Energy Cooperative |
CEC | Civil Engineering Corps (US Navy) |
CEC | Certificate of Environmental Clearance |
CEC | Centre d'Entrainement Commando (French: Commando Training Center) |
CEC | Cadre Européen des Certifications (French: European Framework of Qualifications) |
CEC | Confédération Européenne des Cadres (French: European Confederation of Managerial Staff; Brussels, Belgium) |
CEC | College Executive Committee (various schools) |
CEC | Circulation Extra-Corporelle |
CEC | Canadian Ethnocultural Council |
CEC | Center for Environmental Citizenship |
CEC | Corellian Engineering Corporation (Star Wars) |
CEC | Center for Elephant Conservation |
CEC | Cherryland Electric Cooperative (Grawn, MI) |
CEC | Con Edison Communications |
CEC | Coming Earth Changes (book) |
CEC | Contractor Establishment Code |
CEC | Commodities Exchange Center |
CEC | Coopération par l'Education et la Culture (French: Cooperation through Education and Culture; Belgium) |
CEC | Compulsory Employer Contribution (New Zealand) |
CEC | China Enterprise Communications Ltd. (telecommunications) |
CEC | Cummins Engine Company |
CEC | Cancer Epidemiology Centre (various locations) |
CEC | Council for Educational Change (Florida) |
CEC | Consular Emergency Centre (Australia) |
CEC | Clean Energy Corps (various locations) |
CEC | Christian Education Children |
CEC | Centre d'Écriture et de Communication (French: Writing and Communication Center) |
CEC | Centre Européen de la Céramique (French: European Ceramics Center) |
CEC | Customer Experience Center (various companies) |
CEC | Citizens Energy Corporation (Massachusetts) |
CEC | Crescent Engineering College (Madras, Tamil Nadu, India) |
CEC | Cisco Employee Connection (Cisco intranet) |
CEC | Consumer Education Coordinator (various locations) |
CEC | Capital Equipment Corporation |
CEC | Center for Economic Conversion (Mountain View, CA) |
CEC | Comité Européen de Coordination (French) |
CEC | Coaster Enthusiasts of Canada |
CEC | Chandler Early College (Arizona) |
CEC | Common Equipment Card |
CEC | Chief Executive China (magazine) |
CEC | Conféderation Européenne de l'Industrie de la Chaussure (French) |
CEC | Certificate of Equivalent Competency |
CEC | Central Environment Council (Ministry of the Environment advisory committee; Japan) |
CEC | Centre for Environment Concerns (Hyderabad, India) |
CEC | Cambodian Extraordinary Chambers |
CEC | Central European Country |
CEC | Col·legi d'Economistes de Catalunya |
CEC | Crescent City, CA, USA - Crescent City Municipal Airport (Airport Code) |
CEC | CERCLA Education Center (EPA) |
CEC | Cell Evaluation Chip (semiconductors) |
CEC | Citizens Energy Cooperative (Wisconsin) |
CEC | Centro de Estudos Cooperativos (Centre for Cooperative Studies) |
CEC | Combat Essentiality Code |
CEC | Canada Experience Class (Canadian immigration) |
CEC | Comité Européen de Course (French: European Racing Committee; speed skating) |
CEC | Chancellor's Executive Council (colleges) |
CEC | Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc (Naples, FL) |
CEC | Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc. |
CEC | Compagnie Européenne des Collectionneurs (French: European Society of Collectors) |
CEC | Centre d'Éthique Clinique (French: Center for Clinical Ethics) |
CEC | Campaign for Equal Citizenship (Northern Ireland) |
CEC | Computer Engineering Center |
CEC | Caixa d'Estalvis de Catalunya (Catalonian Savings Bank) |
CEC | Chief Construction Electrician (Naval Rating) |
CEC | Certificat d'Etudes Chorégraphiques (French) |
CEC | Conseil Canadien des Employeurs (Canadian Employers Council) |
CEC | California Egg Commission |
CEC | Combat Equipment Company |
CEC | Control Encoder Coupler (NASA) |
CEC | Consumer Education Center |
CEC | Concepts Evaluation Consulting (now Virtual Restaurant) |
CEC | Comité Electrotécnico Cubano (Spanish: Cuban Electrotechnical Committee; est. 1997; Cuba) |
CEC | Club d'Entreprises de Colomiers (French: Colomiers Business Club; Colomiers, France) |
CEC | Combined Engagement Capability |
CEC | Crop End Control |
CEC | Centre Europe Conditionnement (French: Europe Packaging Center) |
CEC | Compound Elliptical Concentrator (imaging) |
CEC | Crown Estates Commission |
CEC | Central Economic Committee |
CEC | Centre for Ethnic Children |
CEC | Clifton, Ezell & Clifton (golf course design) |
CEC | Conduite Eco Citoyenne (French: Citizen Eco Driving; training organization) |
CEC | Central Electronics Centre |
CEC | Control Electronics Container (NASA) |
CEC | Carroll Engineering Corporation (Warrington, PA) |
CEC | Corporate Exigency Contract (government medical supplies contract) |
CEC | Center Export Council |
CEC | Central European Command |
CEC | Communications Etudes Corporelles |
CEC | COMPES Executive Committee |
CEC | Consulting Engineers Committee |
CEC | Communications-Electronics Committee |
CEC | Calista Council Elders (Alaska) |
CEC | Construction Electrician Chief Petty Officer |
CEC | Cost Element Code (inventory management / accounting term) |
CEC | Communications Equipment Cabinet |
CEC | Customer Equipment Certification |
CEC | Centre d'Études du Conspirationniste (French: Conspiracy Studies Center) |
CEC | Computer Evaluation Center |
CEC | Centre Équestre la Châtaigneraie (French: Chestnut Equestrian Center) |
CEC | Christchurch Environment Centre (New Zealand) |
CEC | Certified Eco Consultant (GoEco Certified Training) |
CEC | Cesium Charge Exchange Cell |
CEC | Chemically Enhanced Centrifugation |
CEC | Coastal Executive Controller |
CEC | Conférence Évènement Concept (French sound and lighting equipment rental company) |
CEC | Constructions Électriques Charentaises (French electrical equipment company) |
CEC | Communion of Ecumenical Churches |
CEC | Collector's Edge Comics |