Acronym | Definition |
CECC | Congressional-Executive Commission on China |
CECC | Conférence des Éveques Catholiques du Canada (French: Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops) |
CECC | China Electronic Chamber of Commerce |
CECC | Centre d'Études Collégiales en Charlevoix (French: Charlevoix Collegial Studies Center; Canada) |
CECC | Community Early Childhood Council |
CECC | Central Eglinton Community Centre |
CECC | California Educational Computer Consortium |
CECC | Civil Emergency Crisis Cell |
CECC | Chicago Energy Conservation Code |
CECC | Corse Entretien Chauffage Climatisation (French: Corse Air Conditioning Heating Service) |
CECC | CENELEC Electronic Component Committee |
CECC | Consolidated Emergency Communications Center |
CECC | Corps of Engineers Office of Chief Counsel |
CECC | Centre for eCommerce and Communicatoins (Australia) |
CECC | Commodity Export Classification Certificate |