Acronym | Definition |
BDLA | Bund Deutscher LandschaftsArchitekten (Germany) |
BDLA | Bad Day LA (game) |
BDLA | Bibliothèque Départementale de Loire-Atlantique (French library) |
BDLA | Bidirectional Line Amplifier |
BDLA | British Disabled Lifters Association |
BDLA | Business Diversity and Leadership Alliance (Colorado State University) |
BDLA | Business Development Latin America (UK) |
BDLA | Browning Distance Learning Academy (St. George, UT) |
BDLA | British Dental Laser Association |
BDLA | Banque de Données des Levés Aériens (French: Aerial Survey Database; Canada) |
BDLA | Bund Deutscher Landschftsarchitekten |
BDLA | Belly Dance L.A. |
BDLA | Bihar Dog Lovers Association (India) |
BDLA | Ballarat and District Law Association |
BDLA | Bistable Diode Laser Amplifier |
BDLA | Bob Delaney Leadership Academy |
BDLA | Book Distribution in Latin America |