Acronym | Definition |
BDM | Black Divorced Male |
BDM | Background Debug(ger) Mode |
BDM | Business Development Manager |
BDM | Births, Deaths and Marriages (various locations) |
BDM | Business Data Management (various companies) |
BDM | Big Dog Motorcycles (Wichita, KS) |
BDM | Bund Deutscher Mädel (League of German Girls during the Third Reich, akin to Hitler Youth) |
BDM | Background Debug Mode |
BDM | Bypass Distribution Module |
BDM | Back Data Matrix |
BDM | Black Dahlia Murder (band) |
BDM | Business Decision Maker (Microsoft Windows 2000 training) |
BDM | 2,3-Butanedione Monoxime |
BDM | Bunker Defeat Munition |
BDM | Banque de Développement du Mali (French: Development Bank of Mali) |
BDM | Bund Deutscher Mädchen (female branch of the National Socialist Youth Movement) |
BDM | Bespoke Digital Media (India) |
BDM | Bad Decision Making |
BDM | Bueno de Mesquita (political scientist) |
BDM | Big Damn Movie (movie Serenity) |
BDM | Brutal Death Metal (music genre) |
BDM | Business Decision Management |
BDM | Brunello di Montalcino (Italian wine) |
BDM | Back Door Man (Doors song title) |
BDM | Banca Delle Marche |
BDM | Black Drum (FAO fish species code) |
BDM | Black Diamond Mine |
BDM | Browning Double Mode |
BDM | Braddock, Dunn, and McDonald |
BDM | Bomber Defense Missile |
BDM | Bunker Demolition Munition (computer games) |
BDM | Blackened Death Metal (music genre) |
BDM | Bachelor of Dental Medicine (accreditation) |
BDM | Bibliothèque Départementale de la Mayenne (French library) |
BDM | Banque de Données Macro-Économiques (French: Macroeconomic Database) |
BDM | Banking and Debt Management |
BDM | Base de Données sur les Médicaments (French: Drug Database) |
BDM | Block Data Message |
BDM | Black Dog Machine, LLC (Idaho) |
BDM | Binary Delta Modulation |
BDM | Big Drunken Mistake |
BDM | Baseband Digital Modem |
BDM | Bulk Data Management |
BDM | Bubble Domain Memory |
BDM | BPSK Demodulator |
BDM | Bhattacharyya Distance Measure |
BDM | Binary Digital Multiplier |
BDM | Broadband Network Module (Cisco) |
BDM | Base Defense Measure |
BDM | Backup Dependency Matrix |
BDM | Basic Design Manual |
BDM | Birch Defined Metro (rating measurement area) |
BDM | Big Dumb Mike |
BDM | Bande Dessinée Musique (French comic book and music store) |
BDM | Business Destination Marketing |
BDM | bondage, discipline, and masochism |
BDM | Bayesian Dependency Modeling |
BDM | Barn Door Mafia |
BDM | Bull Dawg Mafia |