Acronym | Definition |
BDP | Blu-ray Disc Player (various companies) |
BDP | Botswana Democratic Party |
BDP | Boogie Down Productions |
BDP | Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen (German: Professional Association of German Psychologists) |
BDP | Bund Der Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder (German Scouts) |
BDP | Beclomethasone Dipropionate |
BDP | Bandwidth Delay Product |
BDP | Bibliothèque Départementale de Prêt (French: County Library Loan) |
BDP | Balanza de Pagos (Spanish: Balance of Payments) |
BDP | Bluray Disc Player |
BDP | Bürgerlich-Demokratische Partei (Swiss Civil Democratic Party) |
BDP | Business Development Program (Canada) |
BDP | Broken Dimanche Press |
BDP | Bank Deposit Program (various companies) |
BDP | Body Donation Program (California) |
BDP | Brony Dance Part |
BDP | Business Development Plan (various organizations) |
BDP | Black Dog Productions (band) |
BDP | Business Data Processing |
BDP | Bundesverbandes Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter (Federal Association of German Plant Cultivators) |
BDP | Biodegradable Polymer |
BDP | Big Dogs Porch (website) |
BDP | Benefits Driven Procurement (Canada) |
BDP | Bi-Communal Development Programme (UNDP) |
BDP | Budget Decision Package (various locations) |
BDP | Base Development Plan |
BDP | Beyond the Dark Portal (Warcraft gaming) |
BDP | Best Demonstrated Practice |
BDP | British Democratic Party (UK) |
BDP | Basic Design Package |
BDP | Battlefield Development Plan |
BDP | Beat Down Posse (gaming group) |
BDP | Baris ve Demokrasi Platformu (peace and democracy platform; Turkish party) |
BDP | Bean's Diesel Performance (Woodbury, TN) |
BDP | Browser Distribution Program (Netscape Corporation) |
BDP | Beat Down Productions (music recording label) |
BDP | Bangladesh Democratic Party |
BDP | Breakdown Pressure |
BDP | Business Data Prospects (Sheffield, UK) |
BDP | Baseline Data Package |
BDP | Biological Defense Program (US Army) |
BDP | Burst Detection Processor |
BDP | Baseband Distribution Panel |
BDP | Business Decision Point |
BDP | Battlefield Deficiency Priority |
BDP | Bantam Duty Pump (Hydraulic Pump) |
BDP | Blue Dragon Productions (Chatham, ON, Canada) |
BDP | Business Diagnostics Program |
BDP | Bretagne Déménagements Particuliers (French moving company) |
BDP | Buy Direct Price |
BDP | Bulletin de la Dialyse Péritonéale (French: Bulletin of Peritoneal Dialysis) |