Acronym | Definition |
BDT | Bangladesh Taka (ISO currency code) |
BDT | Taka (currency of Bangladesh) |
BDT | Telecommunication Development Bureau |
BDT | Bradenton (Amtrak station code; Bradenton, FL) |
BDT | Basic Design and Technology |
BDT | Basic Data Types |
BDT | Business Data Toolset |
BDT | Bulk Data Transfer |
BDT | Basic Data Transfer |
BDT | Bit Data Type |
BDT | Branch Decrement on Condition True |
BDT | Business Data Types |
BDT | Base de Dados Tropical (Tropical Data Base) |
BDT | Best Demonstrated Technology |
BDT | Business Driven Technology |
BDT | Ballistic Deflection Transistor |
BDT | Business Development Team |
BDT | Bone Dry Ton (biomass fuel requirements) |
BDT | Bulk Data Transfer (IBM) |
BDT | British Summer Time (UTC+1h) |
BDT | Brittle-Ductile Transition |
BDT | Business Design Team |
BDT | Büro Und Datentechnik (German) |
BDT | Bons du Trésor (French: Treasury Bills) |
BDT | Bureau de Développement des Télécommunications (French: Telecommunication Development Bureau) |
BDT | Bangkok Day Tours (Bangkok, Thailand) |
BDT | Billing Data Transmitter |
BDT | Boy's Drill Team |
BDT | British Dependent Territories |
BDT | Bagimsiz Devletler Toplulugu (Turkish: Commonwealth of Independent States) |
BDT | Gbadolite, Zaire (airport code) |
BDT | Bill Data Tape |
BDT | Berkeley Design Technology, Inc. |
BDT | Bulk Dielectric Transducer (wastewater monitoring) |
BDT | Benecio del Toro (actor) |
BDT | Broadband Digital Terminal (Next Level) |
BDT | Block Data Transfer |
BDT | Birmingham Dance Theatre (Alabama) |
BDT | Berufsverband Deutscher Tanzlehrer eV (Germany) |
BDT | Base Development Team |
BDT | Billet de Trésorerie (French: short term government debt) |
BDT | Battle Director Technician |
BDT | Builder's Dock Trials |
BDT | Before Dividend and Tax |
BDT | Belt Drive Turbo (turbo version of Ford BD series of engines) |
BDT | 'Bout Damn Time |
BDT | Bomb Disposal Technician |
BDT | Bimetallic Dial Thermometer |
BDT | Bundesverband Deutsche Discotheken und Tanzcafe (German: German Federal Association of Discotheques and Dance Cafes) |
BDT | Blumlein Difference Technique (recording technique) |
BDT | Bureau des Doctorants de Télécom (French: Doctoral Telecom Office; Paris Institute of Technology) |
BDT | Burst Departure Time |
BDT | Burst Delay Tolerance |
BDT | Bridge Delay Time |
BDT | Bad Decision Thursday |
BDT | Basic Dance Training (dance camp) |