COGCaught Off Guard (chat/email)
COGChildren's Oncology Group
COGCouncil of Governments
COGChurch of God
COGCenter Of Gravity
COGCulture of Giving (Boulder, CO)
COGChip On Glass
COGCode Officiel Géographique (French: Official Geographic Code)
COGContinuity Of Government
COGCaptain of the Guard
COGConvention d'Objectifs et de Gestion (French: Agreement on Objectives and Management)
COGRepublic of the Congo (ISO Country code)
COGChanging of the Guard
COGCommodity Grid
COGComponent Object Graphics
COGGnome Configurator
COGCentre Opérationnel de la Gendarmerie (French police operational center)
COGCost Of Goods
COGCrazy Old Guy
COGCommonwealth Observer Group (various locations)
COGChild of God
COGCity of God
COGCoke Oven Gas
COGCourse Over Ground
COGComponent Obsolescence Group
COGChemical, Oil and Gas (industry sector)
COGCoalition of Ordered Governments (Gears of War)
COGCity of Glass
COGCouncil of Governors
COGCloud-Optimized GeoTIFF (Geospatial Tagged Image File Format)
COGClinical Outcomes Group (Pottsville, PA)
COGClusters of Orthologous Groups
COGCommodity Grid (Kits)
COGConcours Owners Group (Kawasaki Concours motorcycle)
COGCANDU Owners Group
COGCommunity Organizing Group
COGCentral Ohio Group (insurance)
COGCost of Gain (in feedyards, cost of cattle divided by pounds gained)
COGConvenience Of the Government
COGCognizance Symbol
COGCommunity Oriented Government (various locations)
COGCluster of Orthologous Groups (genetics)
COGClub Omnisports Gargenville (French sports club)
COGCustomer-Owned Goods
COGCranky Old Git
COGCoalition of Organized Governments (Gears of War)
COGCenter of Government
COGCorporal Of the Guard
COGCertificate of Graduation
COGCampaign for Open Government
COGCollaborative Operations Group (Disaster Management Interoperability Services DMIS)
COGCommander Operations Group (National Training Center, Ft Irwin, CA, USA)
COGCanada Organic Growers (organic agriculture association)
COGChief of the Guard
COGCentralized Ordering Group
COGCurrent Operations Group
COGCombined Operations Group
COGCommon Offset Gather (reflection seismology, GPR)
COGCongress of Gamers (conference)
COGCommunion of Gurhal (Phantasy Star Universe)
COGCompliance Order Guidance
COGCovenant of the Goddess organization
COGCIS Oil and Gas
COGCommunication and Outreach Action Group
COGContingency Operations Group
COGChamber of Gray (Star-Wars forum)
COGCentralized Operations Groups
COGChernobyl Orphan Group (UK)
COGColumbia Owners Group
COGCTF Oversight Group
COGCentral Organization Groups