Acronym | Definition |
CPAA | Cancer Patients Aid Association |
CPAA | Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis |
CPAA | Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta (Alberta, Canada) |
CPAA | Charged Particle Activation Analysis |
CPAA | Centro de Pesquisa Agroflorestal da Amazonia |
CPAA | Chinese Performing Artists of America |
CPAA | Centre for Physical Activity in Ageing (Australia) |
CPAA | China Performing Arts Agency |
CPAA | Cultured Pearl Association of America |
CPAA | Centre Psychiatrique d'Accueil et d'Admission (French: Psychiatric Reception and Admission Center) |
CPAA | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
CPAA | Citizens Police Academy Alumni |
CPAA | Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association |
CPAA | Concrete Pipe Association of Australasia |
CPAA | California Political Attorneys Association |
CPAA | Contract Planning and Advance Approval |
CPAA | Connecticut Polish American Archives |
CPAA | Comité Permanent de l'Agriculture et de l'Agroalimentaire |
CPAA | Consumer Protection Association of America |
CPAA | Central Peace Ambulance Authority |
CPAA | Certified Practicing Accountants Association |
CPAA | Certificate in Public Accounts and Audit |
CPAA | Campus Performing Arts Association |
CPAA | Chiropractic Performing Arts Association |
CPAA | Certified Public Address Announcer |
CPAA | Community Planning and Architectural Associates |
CPAA | Concentric Phase Aligned Array (EAW Inc.) |
CPAA | Colonic Pouch-Anal Anastomosis |
CPAA | Computer Pilots Association of America |
CPAA | Contention-Pattern-Analysis Algorithm |
CPAA | Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Accra |
CPAA | Cyanopropioaldehydedimethyl acetal |
CPAA | Circularly-Polarized Aperture Antenna |
CPAA | Compact Phased Array Antenna |
CPAA | Circle Pines Alumni Association |
CPAA | Commission Permanente des Affaires Africaines |