CPASCorrective and Preventative Action System
CPASCentre Public d'Aide Sociale (French: Public Social Assistance Center; Belgium)
CPASChurch Pastoral Aid Society (UK; est. 1836)
CPASCentre for the Public Awareness of Science (Australia)
CPASClaims Processing Assessment System
CPASCommunity Prevention and Addiction Services (Connecticut)
CPASCommission Publique d'Assistance Sociale (French: Public Commission for Social Assistance; Belgium)
CPASCentral Procurement Accounting System
CPASNational Centre for the Public Awareness of Science (Australian National University, Canberra)
CPASCommercial Activities Proposed Action Summary
CPASCellular Priority Access Services
CPASCommand Post Automation System
CPASCertified PACS Associate
CPASCurrent Production & Analytic Support (US CIA)
CPASCivilian Personnel Appraisal System
CPASCEV (Crew Exploration Vehicle) Parachute Assembly System (US NASA)
CPASCentre for Planning and Architectural Studies (Egypt)
CPASCommunication Plan Automated System