Acronym | Definition |
CBO | Congressional Budget Office |
CBO | Community-Based Organization |
CBO | Campaign Budget Optimization (ad strategy) |
CBO | Cost Based Optimizer |
CBO | Continuous Bitstream Oriented |
CBO | Custom Business Object |
CBO | Common Business Object |
CBO | Center for Business Optimization |
CBO | Construction Business Owner (Cahaba Media Group, Inc.) |
CBO | Collateralized Bond Obligation |
CBO | Cannon Beach (Amtrak station code; Cannon Beach, OR) |
CBO | Central Bank of Oman |
CBO | Companhia Brasileira de Offshore |
CBO | Cheddar Bacon Onion (McDonald's) |
CBO | Chief Brand Officer (corporate title) |
CBO | Cotabato, Philippines (Airport Code) |
CBO | Combined Bomber Offensive |
CBO | Church Based Organization |
CBO | Certified Building Official |
CBO | Creating Business Opportunities (various organizations) |
CBO | Chief Business Official |
CBO | Cellobiose Oxidase (enzyme) |
CBO | Collective Bargaining Organization (various organizations) |
CBO | Community Based Order |
CBO | Campus Budget Office (various schools) |
CBO | Coupling Between Object Classes |
CBO | Casablanca Orchestra (Minneapolis, MN) |
CBO | Chief Banking Officer (corporate title) |
CBO | Consumer Business Organization (various organizations) |
CBO | Cross Border Operation |
CBO | Canadian Banking Ombudsman |
CBO | Carbon Black Oil |
CBO | Chicken Bacon Oignons (French McDonald's sandwich) |
CBO | Combined Business Office |
CBO | Conduction Band Offset (semiconductor property) |
CBO | Continuous Bit-Stream Oriented |
CBO | Club Badminton Orchies (French: Orchies Badminton Club; Orchies, France) |
CBO | Chief Brokerage Officer (corporate title) |
CBO | Concept Bijoux Or (French: Gold Jewelry Design; La Chapelle-sur-Erdre, France) |
CBO | Commercial Back Office (various companies) |
CBO | Centraal Begeleidings Orgaan voor de Intercollegiale Toetsing (Dutch) |
CBO | Air Post Semipostal-Official (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) |
CBO | Control Board Operator |
CBO | Context Bound Object (.net/c# programming) |
CBO | Civic Brotherhood Organization |
CBO | Coulomb Blockade Oscillations |
CBO | Computer Burst Order |
CBO | Collar Bone On (fish processing) |
CBO | Consumption Based Ordering |
CBO | Corrected Born-Oppenheimer |
CBO | Commodity Business Operations |
CBO | Club de Badminton d'Oberhausbergen (French: Oberhausbergen Badminton Club; Oberhausbergen, France) |
CBO | Career Broadening Objectives |
CBO | Chief Branch Officer (corporate title) |
CBO | Complaint Board Operator (call taker) |
CBO | Collège de Bois d'Olive (French: Olive Wood College; Territorial Collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon) |
CBO | Centre de Bilan et d'Orientation (French: Center for Assessment and Orientation) |
CBO | Command Bridge Operations |
CBO | Confirmation of Broadcast Order |
CBO | Central Briefing Office |
CBO | Change in Beneficial Owner |
CBO | Centre for Business Optimization (IBM) |
CBO | Citizen Based Organisation |