Acronym | Definition |
BPE | Before Present Era |
BPE | BTL (Bell Telephone Labs) Provided Equipment |
BPE | Broadband Premises Expert |
BPE | Bureau of Public Enterprises |
BPE | Business Process Expert |
BPE | Backplane Ethernet |
BPE | Broadband Processing Engine |
BPE | Bachelor of Physical Education |
BPE | Business Process Excellence |
BPE | Béton Prêt à l'Emploi (French: Ready-to-Use Concrete) |
BPE | Business Process Engineering |
BPE | Banque Privée Européenne (French bank) |
BPE | Bioprocessing Equipment (standard; American Society of Mechanical Engineers) |
BPE | Bovine Pituitary Extract |
BPE | Bureau of Professional Education (American Osteopathic Association) |
BPE | Bridgepoint Education (San Diego, CA) |
BPE | Basic Physical Education (various schools) |
BPE | Benign Partial Epilepsy (neurology) |
BPE | Best Practices Exchange |
BPE | Basic Personal Exemption (taxes; Canada) |
BPE | Byte pair encoding |
BPE | Benign Prostate Enlargement |
BPE | Ballistic Protective Equipment |
BPE | Boiling Point Elevation |
BPE | Bonnes Pratiques d'Expérimentation (French: Good Experimental Practices) |
BPE | Beam Profile Ellipsometry (semiconductors) |
BPE | British Photographic Exhibitions |
BPE | Bridge Point Elementary (Austin, TX) |
BPE | Bibliothèque pour l'Ecole (French: School Library) |
BPE | Borated Polyethylene (neutron shielding material) |
BPE | Black Plain End (pipe) |
BPE | Bomber Penetration Evaluation (US Air Force) |
BPE | Burt Process Equipment (Hamden, CT) |
BPE | Bar Pin Eliminator (off road block mount) |
BPE | Basic Programming Extensions |
BPE | Black Professional Events |
BPE | Bulk Pharmaceutical Excipients |
BPE | Bureau of Pilgrimage and Endowment |
BPE | Basic Programmer Education (IBM) |
BPE | Beam Pointing Error |
BPE | Barometric Pressure Evaluation |
BPE | Best Preliminary Estimate |
BPE | Business and Professional Exchange, Inc. |
BPE | Bachelor of Petroleum Engineering |
BPE | Budgetary Price Estimate |
BPE | Best Proposal Estimate |
BPE | Bouchillon Performance Engineering (Hanahan, SC) |
BPE | Business Process Evaluation |
BPE | Bataan Provincial Expressway |
BPE | Blue Pyramid Egyptians (Herriman, UT horse breeders) |
BPE | British Barclays Private Equity |
BPE | Business Premises Equipment |
BPE | Blueprint Enterprise |
BPE | Budget Program Estimate |
BPE | Best Point Estimate |
BPE | Ball Park Estimate |
BPE | Budgetary Planning Estimate |
BPE | Basic Periodontal Exam |
BPE | Bureau des Personnels d'Encadrement (French: Office of Management Personnel) |