Acronym | Definition |
BHB | Beta-Hydroxybutyrate |
BHB | Ballas Hough Band (band) |
BHB | Brooklyn Heights Blog (New York) |
BHB | Bar Harbor Bankshares (Bar Harbor, ME) |
BHB | British Horseracing Board (est. 1993; UK) |
BHB | Betriebs-Handbuch (German: Operations Manual) |
BHB | Bounty Hunter Bloods (gang) |
BHB | Bundesverband Deutscher Heimwerker-, Bau- und Gartenfachmärkte eV (German: Federal Association of German Do-It-Yourself, Building and Garden Stores eV) |
BHB | Bar Harbor, ME, USA (Airport Code) |
BHB | Bertsch Holzbau (German; timber company; Poland) |
BHB | Bangladesh Handloom Board (Bangladesh Ministry of Textiles and Jute) |
BHB | Big Hillbilly Bluegrass (band) |
BHB | Black Hat Briefing (conference) |
BHB | Budapest Hotels Booking (Hungary) |
BHB | Bachelor of Human Biology |
BHB | Big Hole Bead (jewelry making supply) |
BHB | Bar Harbor Biotechnology, Inc. (Trenton, ME) |
BHB | Banque de l'Habitat du Bénin (French: Benin Housing Bank; Benin) |
BHB | Bussola Holy Bible (Bible software) |
BHB | Beverly Hills Branchée (blog) |
BHB | Barnsley Hospital Broadcasting (UK; volunteer operated radio station) |
BHB | Big Hit Box (World of Warcraft blog) |
BHB | Bergerac Handball (handball club; Bergerac, France) |
BHB | Boost Half-Bridge (electrical engineering) |
BHB | Betonstahlhandel und Biegebetrieb GmbH (German steel company) |
BHB | Bald Headed Bastard |
BHB | But Holiday Brothers (Japanese band) |
BHB | Block History Buffer |
BHB | Bare Hill Barn (Renovation Nation feature; converted barn) |
BHB | Ban Hin Bee, Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysian electrical appliance company) |
BHB | Black History Bulletin (education journal) |
BHB | Bretagne Habitat Bois (French wood construction company) |
BHB | Brick House Brewery (New York) |
BHB | Bourges Handball (handball club; Bourges, France) |
BHB | Better Hotel Bureau (online resource) |
BHB | Burak Hannon Brojde Group (brokerage firm; Canada) |
BHB | Bernard-Hertz-Béjot (French law firm; est. 1985) |
BHB | Black Hole Bang (gaming) |