BHEBall Handling Error (volleyball)
BHEBoard for Higher Education (various organizations)
BHEBangor Hydro-Electric Company (Bangor, Maine)
BHEBarrière Hémato-Encéphalique (French: Blood-Brain Barrier)
BHEBund der Heimatvertriebenen und Entrechteten (Union of Homeless and Rightless)
BHEBischoff-Hervey Entertainment
BHEBaptist Hospital East (Louisville, KY)
BHEBlue Heron Elementary (Circle Pines, MN)
BHEBachelor of Human Ecology
BHEBlenheim New Zealand
BHEByte High Enable
BHEBenchmark Electrs Inc
BHEBattlefield Helicopter Emulator (US DoD)
BHEBethel-Hanberry Elementary (Blythewood, SC)
BHEBureau Hypothécaire Européen (French: European Mortgage Bureau; Belgium)
BHEBachelor of Home Economics
BHEBonnie Holland Elementary (Texas)
BHEBulk Helium
BHEBourgogne Hygiène Entretien (French: Burgundy Health Care; Burgundy, France)
BHEBlissborn Hypnosis Educator (Blissborn; Albuquerque, NM)
BHEBundesverband der Hersteller- und Errichterfirmen von Sicherheitssystemen eV (German: National Association of Manufacturers and Installers of Security Systems)