Acronym | Definition |
BEP | Brevet d’Études Professionnelles (French: Professional Patent Studies) |
BEP | Black Eyed Peas (band) |
BEP | Board of Environmental Protection (various locations) |
BEP | Business English Pod |
BEP | Break-Even Point |
BEP | Basic Education Policy (various organizations) |
BEP | Back End Processor |
BEP | Bilingual Emac Speak Project |
BEP | Business Enterprise Program |
BEP | Bit Error Probability |
BEP | Basic Education Programme (various locations) |
BEP | Building Entrance Protector (electrical engineering) |
BEP | Best Efficiency Point (centrifugal pumps) |
BEP | Business Entry Point |
BEP | Blackeyed Peas |
BEP | Bureau of Engraving & Printing |
BEP | Brevet d'Enseignement Professionnel (French: Professional Teaching Certificate) |
BEP | Business Event Processing (software) |
BEP | Bureau of Employment Programs (West Virginia) |
BEP | Biomedical Engineering Program (various schools) |
BEP | Bench End Play (roller bearings) |
BEP | Bachelier en Éducation Physique (Bachelor of Physical Education) |
BEP | Building Emergency Plan |
BEP | Black Employment Program |
BEP | Party for Brotherhood and Unity in Politics (Suriname) |
BEP | Beam Equivalent Pressure |
BEP | Business-Education-Psychology (Kentucky) |
BEP | Basic Engineering Package |
BEP | Border Ecology Project (Bisbee, AZ) |
BEP | Biosecurity Engagement Program (US Department of State) |
BEP | Bis 2-Ethylhexyl phthalate |
BEP | Business Enterprise Priority |
BEP | Biomolecular Engineering Programme |
BEP | Building Envelopes Program (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) |
BEP | Bio-Energetic Practitioner |
BEP | Benefits Equalization Plan |
BEP | Boiler External Piping |
BEP | Business Enterprise Program Act |
BEP | Best Environmental Practise |
BEP | Both Ends Plain |
BEP | Biologie et Evolution des Plantes (French: Biology and Evolution of Plants; University of Montpellier; France) |
BEP | Budget Execution Plan |
BEP | Basic Execution Plan |
BEP | Bachelor of Engineering Physics |
BEP | Business Express Program (Canada) |
BEP | Bureau of Energy Programs (Massachusetts) |
BEP | Bio-Energy Partners |
BEP | Best Estimated Position |
BEP | Business Engineering Partnership |
BEP | Bacterial Enteric Pathogen |
BEP | Balanced Electrode Plane (electronics) |