Acronym | Definition |
BER | Berkeley (Amtrak station code; Berkely, CA) |
BER | Bit Error Rate |
BER | Building Energy Rating (Ireland) |
BER | Building the Education Revolution (Australia) |
BER | Biological and Environmental Research |
BER | Bit Error Ratio |
BER | Basic Encoding Rules (ASN.1) |
BER | Base Excision Repair (biology) |
BER | Bureau of Environmental Remediation (Kansas Department of Health and Environment) |
BER | Bilateral Economic Relations |
BER | Block Exemption Regulation |
BER | Biochemical Engineering Research (US Department of Energy) |
BER | Brake Energy Regeneration |
BER | Back End Rebate |
BER | Bus Extension Receiver |
BER | Basic Encoding Rules |
BER | Basal Energy Requirement (nutrition) |
BER | Blossom End Rot |
BER | Beyond Economical Repair |
BER | Bureau of Education and Research (educator training; Bellevue, WA) |
BER | Binary Encoded Representation (programming languages) |
BER | Bassin d'Emploi a Redynamiser (French: Labor Pool Revitalization) |
BER | Basic Electrical Rhythm |
BER | Berlin, Germany - Schoenefeld (Airport Code) |
BER | Bourgogne Energies Renouvelables (French: Burgundy Renewable Resources; est. 1998; education and awareness organization; Dijon, France) |
BER | Biomedical and Environmental Research |
BER | Brandywine Enduro Riders (Motorcyclists) |
BER | Basic Error Rate |
BER | Business Expense Report |
BER | Bleeding Edge Release |
BER | Building Energy Regulations (Ireland) |
BER | Back End Ratio |
BER | Bureau of External Relations |
BER | Break Exclusion Requirements |
BER | Beryllium Electrorefining |
BER | Bureau of Ethnic Research (now Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology) |
BER | Budget Execution Report/Review |
BER | Back End Rebate (retail marketing) |