Acronym | Definition |
bpi | Bits Per Inch |
bpi | Building Performance Institute |
bpi | Bank of the Philippine Islands |
bpi | Business Process Improvement |
bpi | Baltimore Polytechnic Institute |
bpi | Business Process Integration |
bpi | Bactericidal Permeability-Increasing Protein |
bpi | Baseline Privacy Interface |
bpi | Biodegradable Products Institute |
bpi | Bundesverband der Pharmazeutischen Industrie |
bpi | Bibliothèque Publique d'Information (French: Public Library of Information) |
bpi | Brief Pain Inventory |
bpi | Banca Popolare Italiana (Italy) |
bpi | British Polythene Industries |
bpi | Bureau of Plant Industry |
bpi | Baseline Privacy Initializing |
bpi | Business Process Insight |
bpi | Bard Prison Initiative (New York) |
bpi | Business Proprietary Information (intellectual property) |
bpi | Bureau of Plant Industry (Philippines) |
bpi | Bribe Payers Index |
bpi | Brachial Plexus Injury |
bpi | Best Practice Institute (various organizations) |
bpi | Bathymetric Position Index |
bpi | Business Process Intelligence |
bpi | Business and Professional People for the Public Interest |
bpi | Bridge Publications Inc. |
bpi | Beauté Prestige International (French: Beauty Prestige International) |
bpi | Boost Phase Intercept |
bpi | Boston Pizza International (various locations) |
bpi | Business Performance Improvement |
bpi | Buying Power Index |
bpi | Bytes Per Inch |
bpi | Best Practices Implementation (various organizations) |
bpi | Basic Personality Inventory |
bpi | Big Picture Interactive |
bpi | Banque Patrimoine & Immobilier (French: Heritage & Real Estate Bank) |
bpi | British Phonographic Industry Ltd. |
bpi | Business Publishers, Inc. |
bpi | Basketball Products International |
bpi | Baroque Performance Institute |
bpi | Business Process Integrator |
bpi | Baltic Panama Index (shipping) |
bpi | Barreau Pénal International (French: International Criminal Bar) |
bpi | Banco Português de Investimentos (Portuguese bank) |
bpi | Bagupi (SIL code, New Guinea) |
bpi | Bulgaria Property Investment, Ltd. (UK) |
bpi | Balance Protection Insurance (Canada) |
bpi | Brand Potential Index |
bpi | Business and Professional Institute |
bpi | Best Practice Indicator |
bpi | Big Picture, Inc. (video production company; Fairfax, VA) |
bpi | Building Plastics Inc. |
bpi | Belgian Packaging Institute |
bpi | Better Programming Initiative |
bpi | Biopreservation Inc. |
bpi | Belgium Post International |
bpi | Biblioteca Provinciale Italiana |
bpi | Business Practice Interchange |
bpi | Brenneman Printing Inc. |
bpi | Business Partner Integration |
bpi | Bonneville Purchasing Instructions |
bpi | Balancing Professionals Inc. (O'Connor Group; North Dakota) |
bpi | Brain Power Incorporated (lens dye and ophthalmic equipment supplier) |
bpi | Bomb Power Indicator (UK ROC) |
bpi | Business Planning Institute |
bpi | Ballistic Products Inc. |
bpi | Business Performance Indicator |
bpi | Bureau Postal Interarmées (French: Joint Post Office; various locations) |
bpi | Broadcast Projects International |
bpi | Business Partner Infrastructure (Tidepoint) |
bpi | Boston Photo Imaging |
bpi | Banff Ptarmigan Inn |
bpi | Baseline Protection Initiative |
bpi | Behaviour Problems Index |
bpi | Bexel Pharmaceuticals Inc |
bpi | Beef Price Index |
bpi | Baird Petrophysical International |
bpi | Bible Place Institute |
bpi | Biometric Partners Inc. |
bpi | Business Planning Initiative |
bpi | Bureaux Postaux Militaires Interarmées |
bpi | Bernaud Protection Incendie (French fire protection equipment supplier) |
bpi | Bulletin of Public Information (Poland) |
bpi | Buddhist Peace Fellowship |
bpi | Boards Prep Interactive |
bpi | Business Process Idea |
bpi | Bury + Partners Inc. |
bpi | Better Parenting Institute |
bpi | Broadband Polarimetric Interferometer |
bpi | Biologie des Populations en Interaction (French biological research group) |
bpi | Business and People Integration |
bpi | Base Percentage Increase |
bpi | Body Image Perception Index |
bpi | Blade Position Indicator (military aviation; helicopters) |
bpi | Business Platform Integration |
bpi | Bayesian Power Index |
bpi | Base Performance Increase |
bpi | Blue Plate Innovations |
bpi | Business Process Indicator |
bpi | Belfort Protection Incendie (French fire protection equipment supplier) |
bpi | Bachelor of Planning |