
bpiBits Per Inch
bpiBuilding Performance Institute
bpiBank of the Philippine Islands
bpiBusiness Process Improvement
bpiBaltimore Polytechnic Institute
bpiBusiness Process Integration
bpiBactericidal Permeability-Increasing Protein
bpiBaseline Privacy Interface
bpiBiodegradable Products Institute
bpiBundesverband der Pharmazeutischen Industrie
bpiBibliothèque Publique d'Information (French: Public Library of Information)
bpiBrief Pain Inventory
bpiBanca Popolare Italiana (Italy)
bpiBritish Polythene Industries
bpiBureau of Plant Industry
bpiBaseline Privacy Initializing
bpiBusiness Process Insight
bpiBard Prison Initiative (New York)
bpiBusiness Proprietary Information (intellectual property)
bpiBureau of Plant Industry (Philippines)
bpiBribe Payers Index
bpiBrachial Plexus Injury
bpiBest Practice Institute (various organizations)
bpiBathymetric Position Index
bpiBusiness Process Intelligence
bpiBusiness and Professional People for the Public Interest
bpiBridge Publications Inc.
bpiBeauté Prestige International (French: Beauty Prestige International)
bpiBoost Phase Intercept
bpiBoston Pizza International (various locations)
bpiBusiness Performance Improvement
bpiBuying Power Index
bpiBytes Per Inch
bpiBest Practices Implementation (various organizations)
bpiBasic Personality Inventory
bpiBig Picture Interactive
bpiBanque Patrimoine & Immobilier (French: Heritage & Real Estate Bank)
bpiBritish Phonographic Industry Ltd.
bpiBusiness Publishers, Inc.
bpiBasketball Products International
bpiBaroque Performance Institute
bpiBusiness Process Integrator
bpiBaltic Panama Index (shipping)
bpiBarreau Pénal International (French: International Criminal Bar)
bpiBanco Português de Investimentos (Portuguese bank)
bpiBagupi (SIL code, New Guinea)
bpiBulgaria Property Investment, Ltd. (UK)
bpiBalance Protection Insurance (Canada)
bpiBrand Potential Index
bpiBusiness and Professional Institute
bpiBest Practice Indicator
bpiBig Picture, Inc. (video production company; Fairfax, VA)
bpiBuilding Plastics Inc.
bpiBelgian Packaging Institute
bpiBetter Programming Initiative
bpiBiopreservation Inc.
bpiBelgium Post International
bpiBiblioteca Provinciale Italiana
bpiBusiness Practice Interchange
bpiBrenneman Printing Inc.
bpiBusiness Partner Integration
bpiBonneville Purchasing Instructions
bpiBalancing Professionals Inc. (O'Connor Group; North Dakota)
bpiBrain Power Incorporated (lens dye and ophthalmic equipment supplier)
bpiBomb Power Indicator (UK ROC)
bpiBusiness Planning Institute
bpiBallistic Products Inc.
bpiBusiness Performance Indicator
bpiBureau Postal Interarmées (French: Joint Post Office; various locations)
bpiBroadcast Projects International
bpiBusiness Partner Infrastructure (Tidepoint)
bpiBoston Photo Imaging
bpiBanff Ptarmigan Inn
bpiBaseline Protection Initiative
bpiBehaviour Problems Index
bpiBexel Pharmaceuticals Inc
bpiBeef Price Index
bpiBaird Petrophysical International
bpiBible Place Institute
bpiBiometric Partners Inc.
bpiBusiness Planning Initiative
bpiBureaux Postaux Militaires Interarmées
bpiBernaud Protection Incendie (French fire protection equipment supplier)
bpiBulletin of Public Information (Poland)
bpiBuddhist Peace Fellowship
bpiBoards Prep Interactive
bpiBusiness Process Idea
bpiBury + Partners Inc.
bpiBetter Parenting Institute
bpiBroadband Polarimetric Interferometer
bpiBiologie des Populations en Interaction (French biological research group)
bpiBusiness and People Integration
bpiBase Percentage Increase
bpiBody Image Perception Index
bpiBlade Position Indicator (military aviation; helicopters)
bpiBusiness Platform Integration
bpiBayesian Power Index
bpiBase Performance Increase
bpiBlue Plate Innovations
bpiBusiness Process Indicator
bpiBelfort Protection Incendie (French fire protection equipment supplier)
bpiBachelor of Planning