Acronym | Definition |
CBR | Comic Book Resources |
CBR | Constant Bit Rate (ATM) |
CBR | Constant Bit Rate |
CBR | Case-Based Reasoning |
CBR | Community-Based Rehabilitation (disability) |
CBR | Certified Buyer Representative (real estate certification) |
CBR | California Bearing Ratio |
CBR | Center for Bio-ethical Reform |
CBR | Championship Bull Riding (TV show) |
CBR | Captive Bead Ring (body piercing) |
CBR | Correspondent Biased Relationship |
CBR | Columbia Basin Research (University of Washington) |
CBR | Chemical, Biological, and Radiological |
CBR | Computer Business Review (publication) |
CBR | Cleburne (Amtrak station code; Cleburne, TX) |
CBR | Clinical Benefit Rate |
CBR | Cord Blood Registry (Tucson, AZ) |
CBR | Central Board of Revenue |
CBR | Central Bank of Russia |
CBR | Centraal Bureau Rijvaardigheidsbewijzen |
CBR | Can-Be-Reached |
CBR | Content Based Routing |
CBR | Crude Birth Rate |
CBR | Cas before Ras |
CBR | Committed Burst Rate |
CBR | Control Bus Register |
CBR | Cluster Based Routing |
CBR | Center for Brain Research (Vienna, Austria) |
CBR | Cosmic Background Radiation |
CBR | Craft Beer Radio (Internet talk show) |
CBR | Case-Based Research (methodology) |
CBR | Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia (Brasil) |
CBR | China Business Review (est. 1974) |
CBR | Cross Border Region |
CBR | Calculator Based Ranger |
CBR | Constraint-Based Routing |
CBR | Center for Bioenvironmental Research (Tulane and Xavier Universities, New Orleans, LA, USA) |
CBR | Continuous Bit Rate |
CBR | Content Based Retrieval |
CBR | Calakmul Biosphere Reserve (Mexico) |
CBR | Credit Bureau Report |
CBR | Canadian Bioinformatics Resource |
CBR | Capital Budget Request (various locations) |
CBR | Canadian Business Resource |
CBR | Consumer Bill of Rights (various locations) |
CBR | Colorado Boys Ranch |
CBR | Corporation for Battery Recycling (various locations) |
CBR | Checklist-Based Reading |
CBR | Complement-Binding Reaction (microbiology) |
CBR | Client Business Review |
CBR | Could Be Run |
CBR | Community Based Restoration (various organizations) |
CBR | Complete Bed Rest |
CBR | Conservador de Bienes Raices (Spanish) |
CBR | Counter Battery Radar |
CBR | Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia - Canberra (Airport Code) |
CBR | Compagnie Benjamin de Rothschild (French: Benjamin de Rothschild Company; Switzerland) |
CBR | Computer-Based Ranger (Texas Instruments) |
CBR | Cantilever Barge Rig (oil drilling) |
CBR | Chemins de Fer de la Banlieue de Reims (French: Railways of the Suburbs of Reims; Marne, France) |
CBR | Cluster-Based Routing |
CBR | Chronic Bedrest (symptom) |
CBR | Center Barrel Replacement (Hornet aircraft; Australia) |
CBR | Carotid Bodies Resected (pulmonary disorders) |
CBR | Chargeback Rate |
CBR | Carrier Baggage Voucher (shipping) |
CBR | Community Based Residence |
CBR | Call Blocking Rate |
CBR | Chemical, Bacteriological, Radiological |
CBR | Concurrent Budget Resolution |
CBR | Central Bank Reporting |
CBR | Canberra Airport - Australia |
CBR | Cost, Benefit, Risk (analysis tool) |
CBR | Center for Biodiversity Research (various universities) |
CBR | Câblerie du Bassin Rond (French: Round Basin Cabling) |
CBR | Client Billing Record |
CBR | Credit Balance Refund |
CBR | Capability-Based Restructuring |
CBR | Commercial Breeder Reactor |
CBR | Cimenteries et Briquetteries Réunies (Belgian cement producer) |
CBR | Contract Budget Report |
CBR | Correspondence Batch Report |
CBR | Cisco Brand Resale |
CBR | Contract Baseline Rephasing |
CBR | Cold Beer Racing |
CBR | Cluster Bomb Rack (USAF B-52H) |
CBR | Customer Belt Reject |