Acronym | Definition |
BMF | Bundesministerium der Finanzen (German: Federal Ministry of Finance) |
BMF | Blowin' Money Fast (Rick Ross song) |
BMF | Black Mafia Family (drug trafficking organization) |
BMF | Bundesministerium für Finanzen (Vienna, Austria) |
BMF | British Military Fitness (UK) |
BMF | Business, Management, and Finance (degree program) |
BMF | Bare Metal Foil (hobbies) |
BMF | Buffer Manager Facility |
BMF | British Motorcyclists Federation |
BMF | Black Management Forum |
BMF | Business Master File |
BMF | Breckenridge Music Festival (Breckenridge, CO) |
BMF | Builders Merchants Federation (UK) |
BMF | Bruno Manser Fonds (French: Bruno Manser Fund; environmental organization; Switzerland) |
BMF | British Motorcycle Federation |
BMF | Be My Friend |
BMF | Bayesian Probabilistic Matrix Factorization |
BMF | Bella Moss Foundation (pet infections) |
BMF | Be Mine Forever |
BMF | British Music Fair (UK) |
BMF | Badmotorfinger |
BMF | Bus Maintenance Facility |
BMF | Bartholet Maschinenbau AG (German: Bartholet Machinery Construction; Switzerland) |
BMF | Belgian MoOo Farm (distributed computing) |
BMF | Burning Man Festival (art event) |
BMF | Bibliothèque Michel Fleury (French: Michel Fleury Library) |
BMF | Birla Mutual Fund (India) |
BMF | Business Mobility Framework (Sprint) |
BMF | Bone Marrow Foundation |
BMF | Bakouma Airport (airport code; Bakouma, Central African Republic) |
BMF | Broadcast Metadata Exchange Format |
BMF | Bangladesh Military Forces |
BMF | Battle MC Francophone (French: Francophone MC Battle; microphone controller contest) |
BMF | Banque Monétaire et Financière (French: Monetary and Financial Bank) |
BMF | Basic Multi-Function |
BMF | Beer Membrane Filtration (purification; Norit Process Technology) |
BMF | Best Mates Forever |
BMF | Bulk Mail Facility (Canada Post) |
BMF | Blue Moon Festival (Vise, Belgium) |
BMF | Bad Mister Frosty (Star Wars Galaxies forum) |
BMF | Bureau de Mesure Français (French real estate inspection and improvement company) |
BMF | Bank Multifunction |
BMF | Basic Material File |
BMF | Bad Mother Freaker (polite form) |
BMF | Big Mother Freaker (polite form) |
BMF | Baptist Ministers' Fellowship (UK) |
BMF | Bright Mountain Foundation (Boulder, CO) |
BMF | Barbera Maintenance Fluide (French: Barbera Maintenance Fluid; Vieux-Conde, France) |
BMF | Barischmetalfabrik (stein manufacturer; Germany) |