CIRTComputer Incident Response Team
CIRTCamara Nacional de La Industria de Radio y Television (Mexican Association of Broadcasters)
CIRTCritical Incident Response Team
CIRTCentral Institute of Road Transport (Pune, India)
CIRTCourt-Based Intervention Resource Team (NY)
CIRTControlled Impact Rescue Tool (Raytheon)
CIRTConstruction Industry Roundtable (est. 1987)
CIRTChiemgau Impact Research Team (Germany)
CIRTCranberry Isles Realty Trust (Islesford, ME)
CIRTClerical Input and Review Team (Colorado)
CIRTCertificate in Recreation and Tourism
CIRTCaribbean Imaging & Radiation Treatment Center, Inc
CIRTContract Issues Resolution Team (US government)