Acronym | Definition |
CAPE | Center for the Army Profession and Ethic (US Army) |
CAPE | Convective Available Potential Energy |
CAPE | Continuing and Professional Education (various locations) |
CAPE | Computer Aided Production Engineering |
CAPE | Centre d'Accueil de la Presse Étrangère (French: Foreign Press Visitor Center) |
CAPE | Council for American Private Education (Germantown, MD) |
CAPE | Computer Aided Process Engineering |
CAPE | Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education (Illinois) |
CAPE | Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination |
CAPE | Center for Advanced Pediatric and Perinatal Education (various organizations) |
CAPE | Center for Applied and Professional Ethcis (various schools) |
CAPE | Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment |
CAPE | Computer Applications in Production and Engineering (conference) |
CAPE | Creating A Positive Environment (training program) |
CAPE | Community Alliances to Promote Education |
CAPE | Communauté d'Agglomération des Portes de l'Eure (French: Agglomeration Community of Portes de l'Eure; Eure, France) |
CAPE | Career and Professional Education Act (Florida, USA) |
CAPE | Canadian Association of Professional Employees |
CAPE | Center for Advanced Pediatric Education (Stanford University) |
CAPE | Cyclically Adjusted Price Earnings |
CAPE | Camarillo Academy of Progressive Education (Camarillo, CA) |
CAPE | Computer Aided Protection Engineering |
CAPE | Colorado Association of Partners in Education |
CAPE | Computer-Aided Project Engineering |
CAPE | Computer-Aided Parametric Estimating |
CAPE | Center for Alternative Programs of Education (Shaw University, Raleigh, North Carolina) |
CAPE | Citizen Advocates for Public Education |
CAPE | Citizen Action by Public Employees |
CAPE | Canadian Association for Physicians for the Environment |
CAPE | Computer-Aided Pattern Engineering |
CAPE | Capacity Analysis and Performance Evaluation |
CAPE | Communications Automatic Processing Equipment |
CAPE | Convection and Precipitation and Electrification (field project) |
CAPE | Colorado Association of Polygraph Examiners |
CAPE | Civilian Application Programs Engineering |
CAPE | Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday and Easter (Catholic slang) |
CAPE | CTEIP Automated Presentation Enabler |
CAPE | Certificat d'Aptitude au Professorat des Écoles Maternelles et Primaires (French) |
CAPE | Capability & Proficiency Evaluation |
CAPE | Centre d'Appui au Parc en Exploitation (French: Operating Plant Support Center) |
CAPE | Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation Office (US DoD) |